What is Aldebaran Aldebran it is Arabic for “follower” because it rises after the Pleiades. The Pleiades is a group that contains 6 Traveling Stars. The eye of the constellation Taurus, The bull.
Reputation -Aldebran is the Brightest star in the constellation of tarus. Know as the bull it is the 13 TH brightest in the night sky. (Its apparent visual magnitude is O.9.
What Type star is Aldebaran It is a K5 111 Spectral Class aka: An orange giant. Fusing He to C/O in its Core. Its 72 lights years away. It’s 50 times the size of the sun, and if it was in our solar system It would. Fill the sun, mercury, Venus, and half of earth
Location Aldebaran is in the constellation of tarus as said before. Aldebaran is 360 times the sun luminosity. You can also see it October to March from the Northern middle Latitudes.
Fun Facts Aldebaran closet star is 44.7 Light years away. In Greek Mythology, represents the white bull that sired the Minotar with the King Minos wife Pasiphae. The closet Stars are Beta Tau, Gamma Tau, Delta Tau, Epsilon Tau and Eta Rau. The I.D. Of the constellation Tarus with a bull dates back to prehistoric
What is inside Aldebaran Aldebaran exhausts hydrogen fuel in its and hydrogen fusion has ceased their. Although not yet hot enough for fusing helium. The core temperature of the star has greatly increased due to, gravitational pressure.
Closing Statements Aldebaran is a star that has been known since the era of the cave men. It’s a star that that can be seen in specific places and specific times. But when it will be one of the brightest star out there.