Dear Sir, We are pleased to offer the Citation III for sale. The paint & interior was new 200 hours from Duncan Aviation along with avionics upgrades for European Standards and RVSM. The aircraft is hangered and maintained exclusively by Jet Aviation Dubai and the engine are on MSP Gold. Accordingly, it is in perfect condition. I may be reached on to discuss the details further Kind Regards Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director 24 Hrs Dubai
Spec Sheet Citation III Serial No : Date of Manufacture: 1984 TT 8,808 Cycles 6,052 Max T/O 21,500 lbs Max Landing 19,000 lbs Engines 1 P ,555 TT Cycles 5,875 ON MSP GOLD 2 P ,548 TT Cycles 5,886 APU 1,080 TT Cycles 2,717 Interior (NEW FROM DUNCAN AVIATION ) Forward galley on the left and storage closet opposite. ( 8 passenger ) 2 place side facing bench at the entrance. Club sitting followed by 2 single forward facing seats in the rear. Interior in tan leather with gold fixtures. CD player and B & D Cabin display. Completely enclosed lavatory with extra storage area in the rear. Exterior (NEW FROM DUNCAN AVIATION ) Crème base with blue stripes Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director 24 Hrs Dubai
Avionics Com 2 Col VHF 20A HF Com King KHF 950 / Selcal Nav 2 Col VIR 30A Ffone Wulf FF VI FDS Sperry SPZ 650 5” SQ Radar Bendix RDR 2000 Xpndr 2 Col TDR 90 Encal Yes ADF 2 Col ADF 6 Radal Sperry AA 300 DME Col DME 40 EPGWS Bendix King KMH-920 Multi System TCAS Col TTR 4000 dual TDR – 94D ADC Yes ( Mode S ) CVR Fairchild FMS Universal UNS 1M GPS Universal UNS 1M King KMD 850 Moving map RVSM Certified Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director 24 Hrs Dubai
Head of State Aircraft 24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director
Head of State Aircraft 24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director
Head of State Aircraft 24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director
Head of State Aircraft 24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director Entrance to aircraft
Head of State Aircraft 24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director
Head of State Aircraft 24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director
Head of State Aircraft 24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director Galley Lavatory
24 Hrs Dubai Capt. Greig Hourigan Managing Director Contact Us Captain Greig Hourigan P. O. Box Dubai UAE