BEHOLD, THE MAN OF SIN LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE TO GO FORWARD A Protestant Reformation Publication By Rand Winburn.


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Presentation transcript:

BEHOLD, THE MAN OF SIN LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE TO GO FORWARD A Protestant Reformation Publication By Rand Winburn

CHRIST God, who humbled Himself to be man.

CHRISTANTI Man, who exalts himself to be as God.

CHRIST The God-man.


CHRIST The Head of the true Church, Christianity.

CHRISTANTI The head of the false church, Antichristianity.

CHRIST Worked miracles by God’s power.

CHRISTANTI Works miracles by Satan’s power.

CHRIST Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

CHRISTANTI Anathema is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

CHRIST The Savior, who saves His people.

CHRISTANTI The Destroyer, who destroys his people.

CHRIST He shed His own innocent blood for Christians.

CHRISTANTI He sheds the innocent blood of Christians.

CHRIST The Good Shepherd.

CHRISTANTI The idol shepherd.

CHRIST The Seed of the Woman.

CHRISTANTI The seed of the Serpent.

CHRIST Born of a virgin.

CHRISTANTI Born of a whore.

CHRIST The Lamb led to the slaughter.

CHRISTANTI The Beast who slaughters the lambs.

CHRIST The express image of His Father, God.

CHRIST The express image of his father, Satan. ANTI

CHRIST He wore a crown of thorns and scarlet robe.

CHRISTANTI He wears a triple crown and scarlet robe.

CHRIST He was hated and crucified.

CHRISTANTI He is beloved and worshipped.

CHRIST He was hung on a cross, an object of loathing.

CHRISTANTI He worships a cross, an object of veneration.

CHRIST He seals the Elect in their foreheads, invisibly, by the Spirit.

CHRISTANTI He marks the Reprobates in their foreheads, visibly, with the sign of the cross.

CHRIST He came not to send peace on earth.

CHRISTANTI He claims to be a Pilgrim of Peace on earth.

CHRIST His kingdom is not of this earth.

CHRISTANTI His kingdom is of this earth.

CHRIST He came from above, Heaven.

CHRISTANTI He came from the bottomless pit, Hell.

CHRIST He holds the keys to death and Hell.

CHRISTANTI He claims to hold the keys to Purgatory, Heaven & Hell.

CHRIST His words, works and life declared who He was.

CHRISTANTI His words, works and life declare who he is.

CHRIST The Scriptures proclaimed Him.

CHRISTANTI The Scriptures warned of him.

CHRIST He was in the world, and the world knew Him not.

CHRISTANTI He is in the world, and the world knows him not.

CHRIST The unblemished Lamb.

CHRISTANTI The scarlet-colored Beast.

CHRIST The High Priest and Mediator of the Elect.

CHRISTANTI The high priest and mediator of the Reprobate.

CHRIST He came to gather & save the scattered flock.

CHRISTANTI He came to scatter & consume the flock.

CHRIST The government is upon His shoulders.

CHRISTANTI Governments rise & fall upon his command.

CHRIST He reigns from spiritual Mt. Zion: Heaven.

CHRISTANTI He reigns from spiritual Babylon: Rome.

CHRIST The bright and morning star.

CHRISTANTI The fallen star, Wormwood.

CHRIST The mystery of godliness to all but the Elect.

CHRISTANTI The mystery of iniquity to all but the Elect.

CHRIST Foreknown to glory.

CHRISTANTI Foreknown to damnation.

CHRIST Son of God, Son of man.

CHRISTANTI Son of perdition, Man of Sin.