Eucharist Session 7
The «Eucharistic Writings» of Saint Francis – Church’s reform after the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) & the Eucharistic letter Sane cum olim of Pope Honorius III (22nd November 1219). the first Admonition, «The Body of Christ»; the 1 st & 2 nd Letters to the Faithful the Letter to the Clerics & the First Letter to the Custodians; the Letter to the Rulers of the Peoples, 6-7; the Earlier Rule (RnB), XX,5-6; the Letter to the Entire Order, 12-37; The Testament, 6-11; the Prayer Inspired by the Our Father, 63.
Admonition 1 Francis = learning to recognize the Presence of Jesus! If you knew me, you would also know my Father; and from now on, you do know him and have seen him. Philip, whoever sees me sees my Father as well (Jn 14:6-9).
Behold, each day He humbles Himself as when He came from the royal throne (Wis 18:15; Phil 2:8) into the Virgin’s womb; [HOSPITALITY] each day He Himself comes to us, appearing humbly; each day He comes down from the bosom of the Father (Jn 1:18) upon the altar in the hands of a priest. [KENOSIS]
Goal of Spirituality: SEEING w/new eyes – And as they saw only His flesh, yet believed that He was God as they contemplated Him with their spiritual eyes, – let us, as we see bread and wine with our bodily eyes, see and firmly believe that they are His most holy Body and Blood living and true.
Proper inner disposition to receive Christ in the Eucharist in a worthy manner, – the spirit of true conversion in an authentic penitential life – Desire to seek union with God over comfort of things
Earlier Exhortation – 1 st Version All who love the Lord with their whole heart, with their whole soul and mind, with all their strength (cf. Mk 12:30), and love their neighbors as themselves (cf. Mt 22:39) receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and produce worthy fruits of penance.
Only he must eat and drink worthily because he who eats and drinks unworthily, without distinguishing the body, eats and drinks judgment to himself (1 Cor. 11:29); that is, if he sees no difference between it and other food. Produce fruit – love of neighbor
And they will be the children of the heavenly Father, Whose works they do. And they are spouses, brothers and mothers of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I P E the common bond
I I = Incarnation – God’s free choice before even creation to empty Himself and take on the poverty of Humanity, and in absolute humility turn completely toward us. – The single defining act of God’s love
P P = Passion – Francis does not dwell on the pain & suffering, but on the extreme depth of love displayed by God – God’s willing-ness to endure even death to show his desire to love us – Love is not loved
E E = Eucharist – For Francis the final act of God’s [Jesus] self-emptying. To be physically present in the lowest, poorest, humblest manner of food – Eucharist and reverence – This manner of giving on God’s part is our model for imitation
In this writing, Francis sets forth the essential conditions for living a penitential life: – A turning to God with all that one is (Shema). – Loving one's neighbor as oneself. – Acknowledging and despising one's personal tendency to sin. – Receiving the Eucharist devoutly. – Allowing God's Spirit to dwell in us.
What is needed for the Journey: Desire – our response to God’s Desire Prayer – vehicle to spirituality Solitude - entering the cave of the Heart leading to: Community – living out the Gospel experience
Practical ? -- Suggestions adapted from Henri Nouwen “Life of the Beloved” Taken or chosen – we begin recognizing we are God’s beloved. We are asked to enter into a personal relationship with God who asks/desires to be our lover
Blessed – speaking well of the other – not just asking God to bless us as at Mass or through a clerical blessing – in our chosen-ness God blesses and loves us – Our actions are to bless and be blessing to each other – To express our understanding of the dignity and value of each other
Broken – unique as is our chosen-ness. Spiritual, physical, mental, relational – calls us to rely on & trust others & and to be compassionate to the brokenness of others. – God accepts and loves us even if we are still in sin – His nature – God constantly chooses to be broken for love of us. – We tend to deny our weaknesses and suffering and become unable to hear the gentle voice that constantly calls us Beloved
Given – the meaning of life in Christ is about taking up our cross, following, and being there for other. – We are not for our own sake, but we find significance in living for others – Being poor and humble, giving ourselves for others but also allowing others to give themselves for us – This is fraternity – hospitality - Eucharist The adventure is daring to live the Gospel
How has or how might your life be transformed into being eucharist?