Affirmative tú Commands Informal Commands Tú Mandatos Afirmativos P. 282
English Grammar Connection In both English and Spanish, are used to Example) Clean the kitchen!Sweep the floor! affirmative commands tell someone to do something.
Using affirmative tú commands Use affirmative tú commands with Family members (siblings, cousins, etc.) Friends / Classmates / Teammates Pets DO NOT USE THESE WITH Anyone you address with USTED/USTEDES! Anyone you want to be polite or respectful towards. With multiple people. To say what NOT to do.
How do I form them? To form an affirmative tú command Use the él/ella/usted form of the verb. (The third person singular form) DO NOT use the tú form even though they are tú commands. Example) The command for –lavar los platos- ¡Lava los platos! Do you want your sister to sweep the floor? Tell her «¡Barre el suelo!»
All stem change verbs keep their stem change in the command form All stem change verbs keep their stem change in the command form ¡Graciela, vuelve temprano ! ¡Lola, duerme ocho horas! ¡Pepe, envuelve el regalo! ¡Empieza el examen! ¡Pide el pastel!
Irregular tú commands Some verbs you know have irregular tú commands and DO NOT take the third person from of the verb. VerbCommand decir hacer ir poner salir ser tener venir di haz pon sal ve sé ten ven
The following irregular vebs can be best remembered by the silly sentence: Prepared High School Students Do Very Important Things P = poner = pon H= hacer = haz S = salir = sal S = ser = sé D= decir = di V= venir = ven I = ir = ve T= tener = ten
Another silly way to remember the irregular vebs... Ven di sal haz ten ve pon sé (Vin Diesal has ten weapons) P = poner = pon H= hacer = haz S = salir = sal S = ser = sé D= decir = di V= venir = ven I = ir = ve T= tener = ten
Direct object pronouns MUST be attached to affirmative commands. They CANNOT go in front of the affirmative command. You will need to add an accent when attaching pronouns, if the command is more than one syllable (without the pronoun). Add the accent on the vowel in next to last syllable, when you cover up the pronoun. Usually (98% of the time), the accent is added on the third vowel from the end, though there are a few rule breakers. Direct Object Pronouns
Finish them (m) = termínalos Eat it (f) = cómela Do it right now = hazlo ahora mismo Tell me the truth = Dime la verdad Explain to your dad why you arrived late. = Explícale a tu padre por qué llegaste tarde. Read it. = Léelo Clean it (f) = Límpiala (¡ojo! This is a rule breaker) Ejemplos
Things you would tell the cleaning lady. Wash my clothes. Lava mi ropa. Run the vacuum in my room. Pasa la aspiradora en mi dormitorio. Make the bed. Haz la cama. Set the table. Pon la mesa. Go to the supermarket. Ve al supermercado.
Write the following commands that you might hear your profesor de español give you in class. Write your name. Escribe tu nombre. Do your homework. Haz la tarea. Repeat the answer. Repite la respuesta. Put your book on the floor. Pon tu libro en el suelo. Take out your book. Saca tu libro.
Write the following commands you would give a friend. Buy lunch now. Compra el almuerzo ahora. Look for my books. Busca mis libros. Tell the truth. Di la verdad. Tell a joke. Cuenta un chiste. Come back now. Vuelve ahora.
Write the following commands your parents would give you to do at home before going out. Cut the grass. Corta el césped. Sweep the hallway. Barre el pasillo. Plug in the electric cord. Enchufa el cordón eléctrico. Unplug the vacuum. Desenchufa la aspiradora. Clean your room. Limpia tu dormitorio.
beber ¡Bebe! Drink!
escribirla ¡Escríbela! Write it!
mirarlas ¡Míralas! Look at them!
bañarse ¡Báñate! Bathe yourself!
comprarla ¡Cómprala! Buy them!
nadar ¡Nada! Swim!
pensar ¡Piensa! Think!
cantarla ¡Cántala! Sing it!
volver ¡Vuelve! Return!
tomarlo ¡Tómalo! Take it!
Listen to me! ¡Escúchame!
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