Google Book Search Jodi Healy March 14, 2006
3 Google Confidential
4 Three User Experiences Publisher Provided View Public Domain View Card Catalog View
5 Google Confidential Google Book Search Availability by Language As of January 2006 Languages English German Spanish Italian French Dutch
6 Google Confidential Number of Search Queries/Keyword Keywords It’s Not Just About Our Most Popular Searches… 6 Harry Potter Wireless Home Networking Peruvian Orchids Jersey City What are people searching for? Everything
7 Google Confidential Every Page Searchable
8 Google Confidential Ego-searching and discovering your past “Never before could I have found such an obscure and wonderful gem. Google Book Search prompted me to buy two copies of a book that I never would have known about, otherwise.” - Bernie Robichau, Columbia, SC
9 Google Confidential Some thoughts from librarians "For the third time in the past week, I've been able to answer thorny reference questions using Google Book Search that I otherwise would have simply given up on...I tried Google Book Search and lo and behold -- there was my mystery reference. That was more than enough to steer me to the proper volume on the shelves here at the library. Mission accomplished!” - Tom, library assistant
10 Google Confidential Google Book Search: Future Developments Google Book Search continues to add new books to the index We are committed to building an international, multi-lingual product Google Book Search will work to include books from other digitization efforts