Secular Humanism Wisdom And Instruction Lesson 2
What Is Secular Humanism? Secular: Worldly, material—opposite of spiritual. Humanism: System of thought according to which human interests, values, and thought predominate.
What Is Secular Humanism? “As nontheists, we begin with humans not God, nature not deity.” “It holds that man alone is responsible for the realization of the world of his dreams, thus, holding that God has nothing whatsoever to do with it.” In summary: humanism is the demotion of God and the glorification of man as supreme being in the creation.
The Effects of Humanism As an organization: It is very bold, dogmatic, evangelistic. As an influence: It permeates our society: TV, schools, legislation—even churches! TV: Evolution (stated as fact), acceptance and glorification of immorality. Schools: Evolution (taught as fact), approach to curriculum, eradication of mention of God. Quote from John Dunphy (pg. 5). Legislation: Laws passed, not based on justice, but on personal agendas and what make people feel better.
The Effects of Humanism Humanism in churches? Bible classes: “Make it relevant” God not relevant, therefore salvation not relevant. Bible characters not relevant. Only human interests relevant: how to feel better about self or make others feel better.
The Effects of Humanism Humanism in churches? Preaching: morality not an issue, therefore preachers job to help others feel better. “Social gospel”: The result of humanism in the church—Care of physical, social interests rather than spiritual. “We’ve closed our minds to such trivial considerations as the question of the resurrection of Christ” (a minister in Virginia). “We’re interested in human life and destiny on earth…The function of a minister is to guide the thinking of people along social and economic lines. Morals, like religion, are out of date. The world today requires a new social order” (another minister).
How Affect Us? Some through blatant attacks. Mostly through subtle philosophies, gradually inching us away from God. Positive vs. negative preaching. Preach the Man, not the plan. Make to feel good, not convict of sin. Accepting, not legalistic. Not mention God or Christ, may be offensive!
How Affect Us? Up to Parents, elders, teachers, brethren to make selves, children, and others aware. Must exercise senses by examining all things— being vigilant and watchful for the influences of such philosophies. Turn thinking back to God, not human society (Eph. 4:17-24). Hebrews 5:14 “…by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”
Overcoming Humanism Though it is anti-religious, humanism is itself a religion. Why? Must be accepted by faith. Establishes its own moral standard. Evangelistic in its cause. Seeks devotion from those who believe in it. Overcoming humanism first requires a decision on our part: “Will I put my faith in a religion that exalts man as God, or will I put my faith in the one true God who created all things?” The evidence of God far outweigh the evidence of evolution.
Overcoming Humanism When we acknowledge God as our creator, His word provides the means to overcome humanism. John 17:17: God’s word is truth, not human opinion; It is constant and objective, not fickle and subjective. Rom. 1:21-32: Modern humanists are not the first to “not like to retain god in their knowledge.” Learn from the mistakes of past generations who denied God. Jer. 10:23: Constantly remember our need for God’s guidance. 1 Cor. 3:19-21: No matter what men say, God’s wisdom is far greater than our own (Isa. 55:9).