Pillars of the World Dan Smithwick Nehemiah Institute
Jedidiah Morse "Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present form of government, and all the blessings that flow from them, must fall with them." Psalms 11:3 When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Life spheres – from the Puritans FamilyChurchState Nurture Education Community Defense Punishment Well-ordering Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor God Good for 300 years
Life spheres – Last 100 years Family Church State Nurture Education Community Defense Punishment Well-ordering Education Welfare, Etc., etc., etc. Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor God God-less
Life spheres – In past several years Faily Church State Nurture Education Community DefenseAuto industry BankingInsurance Health careHousing Education Welfare Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor God God-defying
PEERS Testing A Biblical worldview assessment program designed to assess how one views God, man and the world around him.
P olitics How we govern E conomics How we prosper E ducation How we learn R eligion What we worship S ocial Issues How we relate PEERS: Worldview Spheres
P olitics How we govern E conomics How we prosper E ducation How we learn R eligion What we worship S ocial Issues How we relate PEERS: Worldview Spheres
Limited Government- Purpose of civil government: Limited? Expansive? or
Ministry Leaders Biblical Theism Moderate Christian Secular Humanism 9 Construct Validity
Humanists & New Ager’s Biblical Theism Socialism 10
Influence on Society? Humanists Biblical Scholars Two bodies of thought 11
Why this? Students from Christian homes
PEERS Trend Analysis ‘ “Worldview” school results
Why? 1. Why the shift in America from essentially a Christian nation to a secular nation? 2. Why are Christian education institutions going secular?
"State of the Church" 1. Giving rise to false religions in America 2. Redefining who we are
Four Faces of Religion - today Biblical Theism Humanism Mormonism Islam
PILLARS of the World Assessments Bible Origins Worldview Free-Market Honest money Lev. 19:36
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The end-- “Come, let us build—” Neh. 2:17 Thank you