Reverence & Respect in Worship Exodus 19:18-22
18 Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire. Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked greatly. 19 And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by voice. 20 Then the LORD came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And the LORD called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. 21 And the LORD said to Moses, "Go down and warn the people, lest they break through to gaze at the LORD, and many of them perish. 22 Also let the priests who come near the LORD consecrate themselves, lest the LORD break out against them.“Exo. 19:18-22
Some sermons are easy, some very difficult
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line”
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously”
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are Last part of this sermon
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are Last part of this sermon Easy to be misunderstood
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are Last part of this sermon Easy to be misunderstood Not a personal rebuke of any individual
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are Last part of this sermon Easy to be misunderstood Not a personal rebuke of any individual Object is not guilt, but admonition for growth
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are Last part of this sermon Easy to be misunderstood Not a personal rebuke of any individual Object is not guilt, but admonition for growth Two key words concerning worship
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are Last part of this sermon Easy to be misunderstood Not a personal rebuke of any individual Object is not guilt, but admonition for growth Two key words concerning worship Reverence is part of “vertical” worship
Introduction Some sermons are easy, some very difficult A word to our visitors, “the washing on the line” “Visitors, we take our worship seriously” Reminders necessary of who and what we are Last part of this sermon Easy to be misunderstood Not a personal rebuke of any individual Object is not guilt, but admonition for growth Two key words concerning worship Reverence is part of “vertical” worship Respect is part of “horizontal” worship
Understanding Reverence
Reverence in the secular world
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem Behavior at graveside of soldier--playing of taps
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem Behavior at graveside of soldier--playing of taps Behavior at 9/11 reading of names of deceased
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem Behavior at graveside of soldier--playing of taps Behavior at 9/11 reading of names of deceased A new year lies ahead, let’s change/improve
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem Behavior at graveside of soldier--playing of taps Behavior at 9/11 reading of names of deceased A new year lies ahead, let’s change/improve Reverence in the presence of God
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem Behavior at graveside of soldier--playing of taps Behavior at 9/11 reading of names of deceased A new year lies ahead, let’s change/improve Reverence in the presence of God Exodus 19—In God’s presence at Mt. Sinai
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem Behavior at graveside of soldier--playing of taps Behavior at 9/11 reading of names of deceased A new year lies ahead, let’s change/improve Reverence in the presence of God Exodus 19—In God’s presence at Mt. Sinai Isaiah 6—In God’s presence in Isaiah’s vision
Understanding Reverence Reverence in the secular world Behavior at a funeral Behavior at tomb of the unknown Behavior at national anthem Behavior at graveside of soldier--playing of taps Behavior at 9/11 reading of names of deceased A new year lies ahead, let’s change/improve Reverence in the presence of God Exodus 19—In God’s presence at Mt. Sinai Isaiah 6—In God’s presence in Isaiah’s vision Rev. 4 & 5—In God’s presence in John’s vision
Reverence in Worship
The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6
Reverence in Worship The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6 A public model prayer
Reverence in Worship The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6 A public model prayer Jesus reminded us to hallow the sacred
Reverence in Worship The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6 A public model prayer Jesus reminded us to hallow the sacred “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
Reverence in Worship The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6 A public model prayer Jesus reminded us to hallow the sacred “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” “Thy reverence be shown at PBL as it is shown in heaven”
Reverence in Worship The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6 A public model prayer Jesus reminded us to hallow the sacred “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” “Thy reverence be shown at PBL as it is shown in heaven” Sacred nature of worship in His house
Reverence in Worship The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6 A public model prayer Jesus reminded us to hallow the sacred “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” “Thy reverence be shown at PBL as it is shown in heaven” Sacred nature of worship in His house When eating Lord’s supper—1 Cor. 11:29
Reverence in Worship The model prayer and reverence—Matt. 6 A public model prayer Jesus reminded us to hallow the sacred “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” “Thy reverence be shown at PBL as it is shown in heaven” Sacred nature of worship in His house When eating Lord’s supper—1 Cor. 11:29 When offering sacrifice of fools—Ecc. 5:1-2
Respect in Worship
Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal”
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Impact on visitors, every aspect of worship
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Impact on visitors, every aspect of worship Impact on children and can destroy their faith
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Impact on visitors, every aspect of worship Impact on children and can destroy their faith Impact on fellow Christians
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship Physical touching distracts those around you
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship Physical touching distracts those around you Respect others as you train your children
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship Physical touching distracts those around you Respect others as you train your children So wonderful to have children in worship
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship Physical touching distracts those around you Respect others as you train your children So wonderful to have children in worship Importance of training them when young
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship Physical touching distracts those around you Respect others as you train your children So wonderful to have children in worship Importance of training them when young Parents, watch children not sitting with you
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship Physical touching distracts those around you Respect others as you train your children So wonderful to have children in worship Importance of training them when young Parents, watch children not sitting with you Nursery and training facilities provided—why?
Respect in Worship Reverence=“vertical”; Respect=“horizontal” Respect has impact on all present Practical ways of showing respect Respectful behavior--dress of those who serve Respect the importance of orderly worship Physical touching distracts those around you Respect others as you train your children So wonderful to have children in worship Importance of training them when young Parents, watch children not sitting with you Nursery and training facilities provided—why? Suggestions for those with small children
Reverence in Obeying Gospel
Believe in HimJohn 3:16
Reverence in Obeying Gospel Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30
Reverence in Obeying Gospel Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9
Reverence in Obeying Gospel Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized to be savedActs 22:16
Reverence in Obeying Gospel Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized to be savedActs 22:16 Added to His Kingdom, His church
Reverence in Obeying Gospel Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized to be savedActs 22:16 Added to His Kingdom, His church Be faithful until deathRev. 2:10