Shhhhhhh………… Don’t tell ANYONE BANNED BOOKS
WHAT IS BANNED OR CHALLENGED BOOK? A banned book is one that is banned. A book that is not allowed on the shelves of libraries or in a school. This happens when people lodge a complaint about a book and the librarians or school board agree that it is inappropriate for children to read for given reasons A challenged book is one that people have unsuccessfully tried to ban
For challenging people’s religious beliefs
For challenging people’s religious beliefs and explicit material
Offensive language: uses the “n-word”
Offensive language AND encourages children to be mischievous
Drug use… even though this book was written to show how awful using drugs will make your life.
“encourages children to break dishes to get out of washing them.”
Contains inappropriate language
Profanity, encouraged disrespect of adults, death being central to the plot, encouraged secular humanism and/or satanism and blending of fantasy and reality.
Insensitivity, encouraged disrespect towards adults and age inappropriate.
Questions God and inappropriate content dealing with the onset of puberty
Explicit content… a teeny tiny woman tanning on the beach in a bikini
Inappropriate for age group, desensitizes children to murder and encourages violence as entertainment, drug use.
Encouraged sexual promiscuity, euthanasia, belittles motherhood and family, violence, inappropriate themes, and disrespect of the elderly.
“Too scary…”
“Encourages violence…”
Teaches the theme of putting the self before the common good and encourages misbehavior. “demoralizing, in that it implies that man is little more than an animal”
For speaking against censorship and book banning/book burning.
A California school district banned the book and claimed that it “criminalized the foresting industry” and would thus persuade children against logging.
“Too depressing…”