INJUSTICE UPON THE JUST CHRIST I. INTRO  His suffering did not begin when He was tortured before His crucifixion; we see Him suffering for us even before.


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Presentation transcript:

INJUSTICE UPON THE JUST CHRIST I. INTRO  His suffering did not begin when He was tortured before His crucifixion; we see Him suffering for us even before this – in this instance, during this mockery of a trial of our Lord. II. THE UNJUST AND ILLEGAL TRIAL OF JESUS  Read Mark 14:53-59.

 What’s happening now in the life of Christ is six illegal trials in approximately six hours. ~ Jesus has a big religious trial, then a big secular trial, both of them include three phases each, totaling 6. Phase 1 – Jn 18:13-23 Phase 2 – Jn 18:24 & Mk 14:53ff. Phase 3 – Mk 15:1 & Lk 22:66-71 Phase 4 – Matt 27:1-2; 11-14; Lk 23:1-7; Jn 18:28-38

Phase 5 – Lk 23:8-12 Phase 6 – Before Pilate, all Gospels  What’s happening here is a violation of every law that the Jewish nation put into place since they received the Law.  From the very beginning, God expected His people to imitate His character. ~ Deut 16:18-20

 From the beginning, God made sure He let them know His heart on justice and fairness. ~ Deut 19:16-21  When properly administered, the Jewish system of justice was not only eminently fair, but merciful. ~ Jesus was illegally tried without first having been charged with a crime!

 IT IS THE MOST UNJUST TRIAL THAT EVER OCCURRED IN HUMAN HISTORY. ~ It had to be – Jesus was not only not a criminal, He was sinless. #1 An illegal and manipulated ARRAIGNMENT ~ The verdict was in before the procedure began.

~ Mk 14:53 ~ Jn 18:12-13 ~ Jn 18:19-24 Mk 14:54.  While this is happening, Mark reminds us about Peter in Mk 14:54. ~ He loves Christ, but he’s also prayerless. #2 An illegal and deceptive TRIAL/ TESTIMONY  Read Mk 14:55.

~ Matt 26:59 ~ Mk 14:56 ~ Mk 14:57-59 (cf. Matt 26:60-61) ~ This is not a trial. It’s a conspiracy. III. THE MAJESTY OF CHRIST  In majesty, Christ remained mainly silent, sensing no need to answer their hateful questions since this was all God’s will.

~ Christ is sovereign, and it is God’s will that He suffer and die for our sins so His children might be forgiven. ~ He even had to suffer the shame and indignity of being unjustly maligned and accused of not only sin but crimes that were impossible for Him to ever commit, being the Sinless One. ~ All this because He loves you and me enough to suffer and die in our stead.