Secular Religious Holidays What should our attitude be toward secular religious holidays?
Secular Religious Holidays Terms: Secular: Secular: not overtly or specifically religious Religious: Religious: devoted to religious beliefs or observances Secular Religious Holiday: holiday that’s both secular and religious holiday that’s both secular and religious
Secular Religious Holidays Not observe: church / salvation: Eph. 5:23 Eph. 5:23 Jesus head and Savior Eph. 5:24 Eph. 5:24 church subject to Jesus Col. 3:17 Col. 3:17 do all by Jesus’ authority 1 Cor. 4:6 1 Cor. 4:6 not go beyond Matt. 15:8-9 Matt. 15:8-9 vain worship if....
Secular Religious Holidays As individuals, we have liberty.... Rom. 14:1 Rom. 14:1 opinions, not judge Rom. 14:2 Rom. 14:2 eating food Rom. 14:5a Rom. 14:5a observing days Rom. 14:5b – vs. 23 Rom. 14:5b convinced – vs. 23 Rom. 14:6 – vs. 6-8 Rom. 14:6 do it for the Lord – vs. 6-8 Rom. 14:19-22 Rom. 14:19-22 not put stumbling block before another brother Paul Acts 20:16 Acts 20:16 Pentecost Acts 21:23-24 Acts 21:23-24 kept Jewish customs
Secular Religious Holidays Observe religiously, individual basis? Rom. 14:5-6 Rom. 14:5-6 for the Lord Everything we do is for the Lord!
Secular Religious Holidays Observe religiously, individual basis? Rom. 14:5-6 Rom. 14:5-6 for the Lord Benefits: living in nation with.... good for our nation good for our nation evangelistic opportunities evangelistic opportunities
Secular Religious Holidays What should our attitude be toward secular religious holidays?