Capital Market Presentation August 2011: Real Assets Hans-Jörg Naumer, Dennis Nacken, Stefan Scheurer Not for circulation to private investors
2 Where Do I Invest My Money? Performance of different asset classes (in %) Source: Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
3 Concern 1: Fear of Escalation of European Debt Crisis Risk premia of 10y European government bonds vs. German government bonds (-1 year) Source: European Commission, Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
4 Concern 2: US Debt US debt in % of GDP since 1792 Civil War 27% Great depression & World War II 122% Financial Crisis 70% Forecast 2015 ~100% Source: Congressional Budget Office; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
5 Concern 2: US Economy US labor market recovering slowly; US housing market lagging behind Source: Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
6 Concern 3: Growth – Sliding into a New Recession? Leading indicators suggest cooling down but remain largely on expansionary side. Source: Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
7 Concern 4: Inflation – Especially for China Expansive monetary policy in industrial nations, restrictive monetary policy in growth countries. Source: Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
8 P/E ratios 12 months forward Valuations Continue to Suggest Equity Investments Source: Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
9 Earnings Season: Excessive Expectations 71% of S&P 500 Q reports exceeded analysts‘ expectations. Source: Bloomberg; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
10 Sales growth & EBITDA margins (12m fwd) in the US, Europe and Emerging Markets. Earnings Season: Sales Growth but Margin Pressure on the Horizon Source: Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
11 Market Participants Remain on the Sidelines Robust equity market despite reticent investors. Source: Datastream; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis
12 Investment Theme: Small Caps Small caps continue to drive performance vs. average premium paid in the US. Source: Datastream, Bloomberg; Allianz Global Investors Capital Market Analysis Ø premium Small Caps: 24,2% Ø premium Mid Caps: 27,3% Ø premium Large Caps: 7,6% Ø Small Caps Ø Mid Caps Ø Large Caps
13 Decisive Insights: In spite of the continued uncertainty, we believe that a slight overweight in equities is advisable. Despite weaker leading indicators, the underlying trend in the global economy seemingly continues to be positive, making it seem unlikely that the global economy will slip into a second recession. The EU rescue package is likely to provide a boost to the capital markets, although concerns about the US and its debt problems displaced the relief felt following the EU summit. The artificial growth created through debt and an increasing risk of inflation present unfavourable conditions for bond investors. In spite of the continued uncertainty, we believe that a slight overweight in equities is advisable. The reasons for this include the attractive valuation of equities versus bonds and the confidence resulting from the second quarter reporting season
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