大学英语四级测试作文评分标准 2 分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎 或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 5 分:基本切题,表达思想不够清楚,连贯 性差,有较多的严重语言错误。 8 分:基本切题,表达思想比较清楚,文章 尚连贯,但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严 重错误。


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Presentation transcript:

大学英语四级测试作文评分标准 2 分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎 或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 5 分:基本切题,表达思想不够清楚,连贯 性差,有较多的严重语言错误。 8 分:基本切题,表达思想比较清楚,文章 尚连贯,但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严 重错误。

大学英语四级测试作文评分标准 11 分:切题,表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但 有少量语言错误。 14 分:切题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连 贯性较好,基本上无语言错误。 字数不够扣分。(各段已给出的主题句均不 得计入) 段落不够扣分。

评分样卷 (1) Women in the Modern World Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today. In today, many women have a work. They worked as well as men playing an important part in factories. There are many women in govener also. They lead other people comtral, and make out plans. There are many women scientist also. They event new things to improve our life.

评分样卷 (1) With the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. In ancient, women’s position in family is pity. They had to looks after their children, did every how husband ordered her to do. But now it is changed. They are equal to her husband. They have the right of speaking of idea, discussion things with her husband, do what she wants to do.

评分样卷 (1) In spite of these changes, the liberation of woman has not been completely realized. We also should realize, women’s likerty are limited. For example, many factories want men become its workers but the chance of women is less than men. Everyone should do their best to change this condition. I’m sure, the liberation of women would be increased. 5分5分 基本切题,表达不够 清楚,连贯性差,有 较多严重错误。

评分样卷( 2 ) Women are playing an increasing important part in society today. More and more women go to work to earn money instead of keeping the house or looking after the children. Women have entered many fields of society including scientific field. As we know, many women sports teams have won the world’s champion such as Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team.

评分样卷( 2 ) With the changes in their social role, woman’s position in the family has been improved as well. Husbands are not the masters of wives in many places. Husbands and wife are equal now. They join together to overcome difficulties and share happiness.

评分样卷( 2 ) In spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized. Also in some places, women are considered being “things” belong to men. They have little chance to find jobs. They don’t get equal pay for equal job. This is a problem must be solved not only by society but also by women themselves. 11 分 切题,思想表达清楚, 连贯。有个别句子结 构错误及少量其他语 言方面的错误

评分样卷( 3 ) Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today. Many women today are playing an important part at works that was thought only could be done by the men before. For example, some women are not secretary in the office, instead, they become manager of a company.

评分样卷( 3 ) With the changes in their social role, woman’s position in the family has been improved as well. In the world today, more and more women have their own jobs. They get their own salary, and become more independent from their husband. With the economic situation improved, their family position is improving.

评分样卷( 3 ) In spite of these changes, the liberation of woman has not been completely realized. Many husbands only want his wife to stay at home, and do some works or do some shopping. They only want their wife to be a housewife, but not a manager of a company. 8分8分 基本切题,思想表 达尚清楚,基本连 贯,有个别严重的 语言错误及用词不 当,但可以理解。

评分样卷( 4 ) Women are playing an increasingly important part/role in society today. In many countries, more and more women are acting as workers, farmers, scientists and even leaders. We can say that almost all jobs which men can do are done perfectly by women. Women are no longer looked down upon by society.

评分样卷( 4 ) With the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. Husband and wife are now equal in the family. They cope with problems of daily life together, and share happiness with each other. Also, you can hardly find out that in today’s families, women are being busy with dinners, whereas men are comfortably sitting in armchairs, reading newspapers.

评分样卷( 4 ) In spite of these changes, the liberation of woman has not been completely realized. A number of men still jealously guard their rights, and regard women as incapable creature. Few women are allowed to attend important international meeting dominated by men. That’s really the problems we should solve immediately. 14 分 切题,文章通顺,语 言规范。句法有一定 变化,用词适当。有 个别小错,但不影响 理解。

检查语法 1. 动词 — 时态,语态是否正确 2. 名词 — 单数、复数、可数、不可数,专有名词大小写 3. 主谓一致 — 分清主句和从句,使各自的主谓一致 4. 形容词、副词 — 用法是否正确,比较级与最高级是否得当 5. 介词、连词 — 搭配是否正确 6. 其他关联词 — 用法是否正确 7. 单词拼写 8. 标点符号

九句话模板 1. 引导句(套入标 题) 2. 主题句 3. 展开句(简单 描述) 4. 主题句(提 出论点) 论据 1 论据 2 论据 3 8. 总结句(概 括全文) 9. 结束句 (重复主题 第一段第一段 第二段第二段 第三段第三段

Class work 套用九句话模板 Stop Smoking ( 1 )吸烟的问题越来越受到人们的关注 ( 2 )吸烟的害处 ( 3 )你的想法

Model (1) There has never been an agreement as to the issue of smoking. (2) Recently, however, more and more people begin to pay attention to this question. (3) They have realized that smoking does great harm to health.

Model (4) The harm of smoking can be seen from the following. (5) First, it can cause cancer. (6) Second, it pollutes the environment. (7) Third, it causes great waste of money.

Model (8) In short, smoking does great harm to health. (9) Effective measures should be taken to stop smoking.

Model ( developed one ) (1) There has never been an agreement as to the issue of smoking. (2) Recently, however, more and more people begin to pay attention to this question, and some even write to the government calling for policies to stop smoking. (3) They have realized that smoking does great harm to the health of smokers and non – smokers as well.

Model ( developed one ) (4) The harm of smoking can be seen from the following. (5) First, it can cause cancer. A recent survey by the WHO shows, of the diseases which cause death every year, nearly one third has to do with smoking. (6) Second, it pollutes the environment. Cigarettes ends may dirty our air and water.(7) Third, it causes great waste of money. Is it wise to spend nearly thirty yuan each day for something which will kill you eventually?

Model ( developed one) (8) In short, smoking does great harm to health. (9) It is high time that effective measures be taken to stop smoking.