The Challenge “ The Real Genius is not in building it. The Genius is in getting it used.”
The R.O.I. 1.What is the calculation for determining the cost of a mis-hire? A. Total cost in hiring the person: $__________ B. Compensation: (sum of all years person was in the job) $ __________ C. Maintaining person in job: (sum for all years person was in job) $ __________ D. Total Severance: $ __________ E. Mistakes/failures, missed and wasted business opportunities: $ __________ F. Disruption: $ __________ G. Other: $ __________ H. SUM OF ALL COSTS (A-H): $ __________ I. Estimated Value of Contributions of the mis-hire $ __________ Read: Topgrading, Bradford D. Smart, Ph.D.
Reality THEN - 14 years ago we asked a group of sales managers what issues they faced in performing their training responsibilities and they said: Scheduling Training Monitoring Training Results Coordinating all available training materials into a coherent program Maintaining Consistency (Often due to remote locations) The time intensiveness of classroom training The on-going assessment of training skills and programs The cost of training RECENTLY - We again asked a group of sales managers what issues they faced in performing their training responsibilities and they said: Time Commitment / Their Time Consistency of Training Competency Development Measurement of Results Representative Accountability Lack of Focus/Too Many Hats Balance – Fast Start versus Professional Student Five Years From Now – Will the answers be different or the same?
The Six Requirements 1. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY (Based on reality in which the learning is being delivered) 2. LEARNER-DRIVEN (Learners bring the Fuel/Energy) 3. CLEAR EXPECTATIONS (The learner needs to Discuss, Explain, Demonstrate ) 4. A LEARNER “ROAD MAP” / CONTROL VEHICLE (Without it, the learning experience is like a play without a script) 5. “I DO. I UNDERSTAND.” (If it is not clear in your mind, it will sound worse when you speak it) 6. ACCOUNTABILITY (Without accountability, learning will not be a priority for the learner or “trainer”)
Top Performers The Study Group Over three years with the company. One of the most productive field forces in the industry measured by: (1) Face amount (2) Premium Historically, the losses of 3+ producers minimal 1,000 producers in this group Top 10% Consistent activity results from day one. (Upgrade their markets not their activity level.) They reflected the growth and approach you would attribute to a successful business owner. They were fundamentalist. Basic skills were not a problem. Initiative, preparation, and control Next 55% Greater inconsistency of activity results from day one The range of development needs was spread out… sales skills, business management, marketing, etc. The need for a big sale became a dominant factor in some making honors. Less initiative, preparation, and control Bottom 35% Other than the retirees, marginal to poor activity results from day one. Based on their commission results, it is difficult to see what they’re living on No initiative, preparation, or control
Accountability: “No One Can hide ” Morris R. Shechtman’s Working Without A Net establishes the Seven Prerequisites for Accountability. He says, “…because of the drive for comfort in our society; confrontation and conflict are often required to hold people accountable, and many managers would prefer to avoid making their subordinates and themselves uncomfortable.” 1.Accountability is to individuals; not to groups, committees, or organizations. ( Accelerated Learning Guide) 2.Clarify the areas in which one will be held accountable. (Key Competency Areas) 3.Expectations must be stated in a specific and clearly differentiating manner. (Discuss, Explain, and Demonstrate) 4.Measurement of expectations must delineate quantity and time frame. (Checkpoints and Final Assessment) 5.Consequences for meeting or failing to meet established expectations must be stated in detail. 6.Consequences must be enacted with immediacy, objectivity, and clarity. 7.Accountability must be modeled by top management.
Principles/Concepts Inherent in this Accountability Performance System are : The Common Denominator of Success The Pygmalion Theory Memorize, Personalize, Naturalize Silk Purse/Sow’s Ear Tough Love Empowerment Inspect What You Expect Hawthorne Effect No One Can Hide In Spite of the Trainer
The Genius - Getting it Used? You need an instructional design that energizes learners - whether they be sales, management or any other audience – to approach their learning seriously and demonstrate that they can use what they have learned. Accountability is the fuel that drives this learning engine supported by the appropriate content – yours, ours or a combination of both - plus tools (Certification and Road Map) that empowers the learner to achieve the learning objectives in spite of the trainer.
The TIS Difference We bring much needed structure and accountability to learning through our Instructional Design Application of Learning Technology