LEADER AS COACH Chris Coffey Develop Yourself, Another, a Team
PURPOSE Does coaching work? How and why does it work? How can we do it better?
Belief Set of Successful People I am Successful (+ & -) I will Succeed (+& -) I choose to Succeed (+ & -)
FOCUS Reduce “in spite of” behavior and build and refine “because of” behaviors Involve stakeholders Emphasize Feedforward Change our behavior and other’s perception in parallel
Unnoticeable Habits 1 Winning too much 2 Adding too much value 3 Making destructive comments 4 Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However 5 Let me explain why that won’t work 6 Failing to give proper recognition
Phases of Learning Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence
How we change Awareness of the need Reflection Insight Motivation to act
Most worked on leadership skill 1 Treat others with respect 2 Listen to different points of view with an open mind 3 Delegate more effectively 4 Stand up to individuals who undermine teamwork 5 Use the Situational Leadership Model consciously 6 Improve decisiveness (move fast, thoughtfully) 7 Address conflict constructively and timely 8 Collaborate with others (use dialogue and discussion consciously) 9 Develop and link team strategy to business strategy 10 Stand up for what I believe in 11 Hold others accountable 12 Challenge-up more appropriately 13 Focus on the critical few issues 14 Be more assertive 15 Take appropriate risks 16 Build cross functional relationships 17 Become a better coach to my team