American Literature Week 10 Vocabulary New Words
Rate the Words Gratitude Incredulous Inquire Perplexed Spite Prompt Community Security
gratitude noun thankfulness appreciation Related words: grateful (adj) ingratitude (antonym/opposite) Usage: This is something you have or can feel.
incredulous adjective doubtful unconvinced unbelieving Related words: incredible (adj) credulous (antonym/opposite) Usage: This is something you feel.
inquire verb ask question find out Related words: inquiry (noun)
perplexed verb / adj puzzled confused stunned Usage: To confuse someone about something (verb) To be deeply puzzled about something (adj)
spite noun nastiness unkindness malice Related words: spiteful (adj) goodwill (antonym/opposite) Usage: This is something you feel.
prompt noun / verb stimulate inspire encourage Usage: a question to be answered(noun) make something happen(verb)
community noun Group of people all in one place Group of people united in one cause or belief
security noun Being free from danger or threat
Practice: Write a sentence for each word Gratitude (something you have or feel) Incredulous (something you are/feel) Inquire (something you do) Perplexed (something you do or something you feel about something) Spite (something you feel or do) Prompt (something, or something you do) Community Security
What word goes with this idea? When a former friend lies about you to a teacher for revenge about something you said about her When you write a thank note to Grandma for the gift she gave you The people who live in your neighborhood When you remind someone to bring a textbook to class, in case he/she forgot Spite Gratitude Community prompt
What word goes with this idea? When someone tells you the moon is made of green cheese When you go to customer service to find out what aisle the crackers are in When the teacher explains the principles of quantum physics in math class When you feel safe and comfortable, without worry Incredulous Inquire Perplexed security