S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Self neglect A lack off cleanliness in self-care Unkempt hair Wearing clothes that are dirty Flamboyant clothing Dressed in colourful, flamboyant way
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Postures and Movements Mannerisms: Repeated involuntary movements that is goal- directed Negativism: A motiveless resistance to commands Posturing: Adopting inappropriate bodily posture for long period Stereotypies: Repeated regular fixed patterns of movement or speech that is not goal directed
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of speech Pressure of speech: Increased in quantity and rate Flight of ideas: Stream of accelerated thoughts with abrupt changes between topics and no central direction Circumstantiality: Slowed thinking incorporating unnecessary trivial details Loosening of association: Odd, tangential associations between ideas; incomprehensible, incoherent speech
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of emotion Depression: Low or sad mood that may be accompanied by lack of pleasure Expansive mood: Feelings expressed without restraint; self importance overrated Irritability: Liability to outbursts or reduced control over aggressive impulses towards others
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of emotion Agitation: Excessive motor activity with a feeling of more tension Anxiety: Feeling of apprehension caused by anticipating an external or internal danger Apathy: Indifference and a loss of emotional tone and ability to feel pleasure
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of thought content Obsession: Repetitive, senseless thoughts, recognized as irrational and unsuccessfully resited Phobia: Persistent irrational fear of an activity, object or situation leading to avoidance. Fear is disproportionate Hypochondriasis: Preoccupation with a fear of having a serious physical illness
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of thought content Delusion: A false personal belief based on incorrect inferences about external reality and firmly sustained in spite of what almost everyone else believes and in spite of what constitutes obvious proof of evidence to the contrary.. This belief is not one normally held by others of the same culture. Delusion of persecution Delusion of grandeur Delusional jealousy Delusion of reference Somatic delusion Bizarre delusion
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of Perception Hallucination: A false sensory perception occurring in the absence of real external stimuli. It is perceived as being located in the objective space and as having the same realistic qualities of normal perception Auditory Visual Olfactory Gustatory Tactile
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of attention: Distractibility: Attention is drawn too frequently to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli Memory Disorders Amnesia: Inability to recall past experience Paramnesias: Confabulation: Gaps in memory are unconsciously filled with false memories Déjà vu: Feeling that current situation has been experienced Jamais vu: failure to recognise a familiar situation
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Disorders of consciousness Clouding of consciousness: Drowsy and does not react to stimuli Delirium: Patient bewildered, disoriented and restless. May be associated with fear and hallucinations
T YPES OF MENTAL DISORDERS Organic disorders Delirium Substance withdrawal delirium Infections Intoxication delirium Psychoactive drug use disorders Acute Intoxication Dependence Syndrome Harmful Use Withdrawal State
T YPES OF MENTAL DISORDERS Psychotic disorders Schizophrenia Delusional (Paranoid) disorders Schizoaffective disorders Bipolar disorders (Mood disorders)
T YPES OF MENTAL DISORDERS Depressive disorders Major depression Minor depression Bipolar depression
T YPES OF MENTAL DISORDERS Neurotic, stress related and somatoform disorders Generalised Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorders Phobic disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorder Acute stress reaction Adjustment disorder Post traumatic stress disorder Dissociative Disorder Somatoform Disorder
T YPES OF MENTAL DISORDERS Other disorders Personality disorders Suicide and parasuicide Sleep disorders Psychosexual and gender disorders Dysthymia
A NXIOUS AND A GITATED PATIENT Substance intoxication Substance withdrawal Anxiety disorders Panic disorder Generalised anxiety disorder Post traumatic stress disorder Organic anxiety disorder
D EPRESSED PATIENT Depressive disorder Substance induced depression Mixed anxiety and depression
M ANIC AND DISINHIBITED PATIENT Substance induced Mania Organic manic disorder Bipolar disorder
I NSOMNIA Substance induced Insomnia Insomnia secondary to psychiatric disorders Insomnia due to physical discomfort
D ELUDED PATIENT Substance induced delusional disorder Schizophrenia Delusional disorde r
H ALLUCINATED PATIENT Substance induced hallucinosis Schizophrenia Organic hallucinosis
C ONFUSED PATIENT Substance induced delirium Organic delirium
A GGRESSIVE PATIENT Substance induced aggression Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia
M ANAGEMENT Short-term Risk Management Redefining the diagnosis Management of the psychiatric disorder
S HORT TERM RISK MANAGEMENT Assessment of risk Risk to self From deliberate self harm or suicide From self neglect From being vulnerable to others Risk to others By aggression By neglect of others
R EFINING THE DIAGNOSIS An initial period of assessment A diagnostic trial Making a provisional diagnosis
M ANAGEMENT OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER Short term management Biological treatment Psychological treatment Social treatment Long term treatment