THE LETTER Written by “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ” Probably in the early 60’s A.D. Written from Rome (called “Babylon” in 5:13) Readers were undergoing persecution, so Peter calls them “aliens & exiles” Readers lived in northern Asia Minor (1:1)
IMPORTANT THEMES Marginalized believers must learn to live an “exile” existence In spite of persecution, we must be holy, b/c God is holy Even though we suffer, we are privileged to be God’s “house,” priests, & chosen people Living as exiles requires submission to authorities & maintaining Christian conduct in all aspects of life
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN “EXILE”? Generally, being at odds with our culture b/c of our faith (1:6) To be accused of doing wrong, even though we are doing right (2:12) To be slandered in spite of our good behavior (3:13-17) To be insulted for the name of Christ & to be blessed as a result (4:12-19) Above all, to suffer unjustly & bear it as Jesus did (2:21-25)
LESSONS FOR TODAY 1.This world is not our true ________, so we shouldn’t be surprised when we don’t _______ ___. 2.We can have _________ even in suffering, b/c our _________ is certain. 3.The power of __________ lives is undeniable. 4._____________ & ____________ are characteristics of Christian faith & life.
KEY VERSE “Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name.” 1 Peter 4:16