From Global Skills for College Completion A Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Project Presented by Joyce Lindstrom, Ed.D. For American Mathematical Association for Two-Year Colleges November 15, 2014
Professional development for faculty, by faculty Year-long focus on one developmental math course with weekly submissions of activities, assessments, reflections, challenges and occasional submissions of classroom videos Review of each submission by two colleagues on other campuses
Teams of six faculty Two assigned to read each submission and respond Coach read all submissions and responses I responded to the responses
Time in a hybrid class Student errors Late arrivals Tardiness
x 3 systems of equations; rewriting absolute value statements Sign errors; self-image as poor math students Too many topics
Tardiness, leaving early Review for Mid-Term – require? Fewer examples, more group work All on the same page!
12-16 I think students think of attendance in this hybrid class as an option in what they view as an online class…The bottom line I see by flipping my class is that students will be able to earn credits BY being in class but not FOR being in class.
2/4 I am looking forward to this new format; I had fallen into the trap of trying to accomplish in two hours what would normally take four. Impossible, I have concluded.
2-11 What a difference the extra time makes! Whew! or ?
2/11 How can I help this student?...I am looking forward to suggestions from my colleagues. Am I being unfair?
3-4 1) Assessments on content videos 2) Online homework with helps 3) Online quizzes with no helps 4) Online cumulative tests with book, notes 5) In-class Mid-Term and Final exams with one 3 x 5 card (if student prepares it) Is there a better way?
3-11 I needed a way to make students more responsible for their own learning, and the flipped classroom emerged as an option. I like the new flow of the classroom. Thank you, colleagues!
4-1In spite of a few cobwebs, 1) Class has a good attitude 2) They are fun to teach! 3) I sense that they realize I am on their team and want them to be successful! Yes!
Lindstrom, Joyce COURSESECT_NOTERM STU CNT GRD A-C GRD D-F GRD W PASS % W % MAT-121H1C12/FA % 21% MAT-121H1C13/SP % 15% MAT-12104C13/FA %10% MAT-12104C14/SP %19% MAT-12149C14/SP972078%0%
1) Do you watch the videos about the material we will talk about in class before coming to class? 16 Yes 0 No 2) Does watching the videos make the assessments easy to complete? 12 Yes 2 Sometimes 2 No 3) Has the fact that the assessments can be turned in for credit only on the day they are due influenced how often you come to class? 6 Yes 7 No, because I would come anyway 3 No
Yes, it gets my brain ready to learn the material… Yes, then I feel like I have a base that can be expanded upon in class. While I don’t always turn them in, I always watch them, most of the time I watch them more than once because they do in fact provide valuable insight to help w/ completion!
I do like it that it gives me more to look at if I get stuck. I use the assessments to study sometimes. It gives me a better understanding how to do the assignment and section. Half the time [it helps] but the other half I’m confused and just copy what the instructor says without really understanding. No, it confuses me because in the video they sometimes skip a step and I can’t ask them questions.
Questions? What experience do you have with flipping your classroom? What suggestions do you have for the rest of us?