Scott Lissner Carol Funckes
What must we do?
Accessible environments Who’s covered? Disability Otherwise Qualified Non-discrimination Program, services and benefits EFFECTIVE reasonable accommodations o Personal service o Student preference o Fundamental alteration o Undue hardship
Recruitment Admissions Instruction (near, far & blended) Housing Research Technology Job Placement Internships Library
Advising & Counseling Camps, 4H …. Athletics & Intramurals Facilities & Grounds Transportation Employment & Work Study Events (Campus Visitors) On Line Services Student Organizations
Provide equally effective access to programs, benefits and services for qualified individuals with disabilities in the most integrated manner possible Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 34 CFR 104 & Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act 28 CFR 35
Do I understand the student’s disability experience? How does the information match with... my professional knowledge and experience? my observations and interactions with the student? Does available external information support my conclusions? Do I need more information to fill gaps? o Is the accommodation necessary in order for the student to have access? o Is the accommodation reasonable in the context of the course or program?
9 A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity A record of such an impairment Being regarded as having such an impairment
10 walking standing lifting bending speaking breathing learning caring for oneself performing manual tasks seeing Hearing eating sleeping Include but not limited to: reading concentrating thinking communicating Working major bodily functions
11 Disability should be construed broadly o Not Toyota’s “prevents or severely restricts” o Not limited to activities “of central importance to daily life” (activities of daily living) used in Toyota Exclude ameliorative impact of mitigating measures in determining coverage (not Sutton) Episodic conditions or those in remission are considered based on their active/acute state (not Garrett)
12 Compared to others in the general population Commonsense vs. scientific standard How is a major life activity substantially limited? NOT what can the individual do in spite of the impairment. CONDITIONMANNERDURATION
Meets academic & technical standards What is essential? Determined on a logical / rational basis Does not pose a “direct threat” specific risk must be identified risk must be current, not speculative or remote risk must be based on objective, factual evidence
Title II (ADA): Makes it unlawful for postsecondary institutions to exclude qualified students with disabilities from participation in or benefits of services, programs or activities What are discriminatory acts? Unequal treatment Not providing accommodations
Modifications to policies, practices, procedures or environments that provides an individual with a disability equal access or opportunity Should be directly linked to the underlying disability MUST BE EFFECTIVE “Best ensures”
No magic words Plain English is fine Doesn’t need to be in writing Doesn’t need to come from the student Can request ANYTHING We need to respond
Not obligated to provide personal services, i.e. individually prescribed devices, such as wheelchairs or hearing aids personal care attendants readers for personal use or study personal transportation individual tutoring (unless provided to other students)
Give primary consideration to the requests of individuals with disabilities May select an equally effective accommodation
Academic & technical standards Program Goals Comparable experience
Financial Administrative Extensive Substantial Disruptive