Facing the Giants By: Tevin Hampton Date: April 30,2013 Class peri od:5 TH
Perseverance steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
Kindness Definition:the state or quality of being kind. When I was getting ready to go in a store and a old lady was coming so I opened the door for her.
Giving your Best It is always good to give any thing you do your best because if you fail or succeed something you can always say you just did your best.
Preparing For Rain To get ready for something good to happen or to believe that something good is going to happen to you.
Attempting the impossible Whenever someone doubts me or says that I cant do something or don’t believe in me.
Perseverance in Defeat Yes, Because losing doesn’t seem possible to me whenever I try my best. But whenever I know I'm about to lose some thing I keep trying even though I lose.
Criticize or Encourage Sometimes I encourage people to never give up or do the best they can.But sometimes I criticize people about their actions.
Choices They effect your future because things you do in the past always seem to come up and catch you later on.Just like your grades are on your record and are always viewable to any kind of university you want to go to so if you played around and failed one time then you could end up working at mcdonalds for not having good enough grades to get in a college
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