Prepositions Prepositions are used to show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word.
Learn these words! About Above Across After Against Along Among Around As At Before Behind below Beneath Beside Besides Between Beyond But (meaning “except”) By Down During Except For from In Inside Into Like Near Of Off On Out Outside Over Past since Through Throughout To Toward Under Underneath Until Unto Up Upon With Within without Compound prepositions According tobecause ofin spite of Along withby means ofinstead of Apart fromin addition tonext to Aside fromin front ofon account of As ofin place ofout of
Prepositional phrases Prepositions always start prepositional phrases, which are groups of words that begin with a preposition and end with a noun or a pronoun. The playful puppy ran through the grass. *The prepositional phrase begins with the preposition through and ends with the noun grass. The noun or pronoun that ends a prep. phrase is called the object of the preposition. Keep in mind that prepositional phrases will never have verbs in them. There is a structure in grammar called an infinitive that uses the word to plus a verb. There are other parts of speech that share words with the preposition list. Example: I like to run to the store. Be careful when identifying phrases beginning with to that you’re not identifying an infinitive instead.
Examples Prepositional phrases can occur almost anywhere in a sentence, so it’s important to memorize the list so spotting them is easier. The candidate submitted a copy of his speech to the reporter. (There are two different prepositional phrases in a row. Be sure to underline them separately! Joe is satisfied with his new job. In the morning, please load the dishwasher. The hamster in the new cage looked quite content. The bubonic plague killed thousands throughout Europe until 1352.
Practice Be sure to check the compound preposition list in order to make sure you’re not underlining just part of a preposition. Underline the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. 1.Why does your cat always sleep in my bed? 1.Have you read about the new videophones? 1.The geese flew through the sky. 2.All the cameras were sitting on the table. 3.Please place the computer bag next to me. 4.Yesterday I received an from my best friend. 1.I needed some bread, so I had to go to the store. 2.The storm is moving along the coast. 3.Wanda became an engineer after graduation. 4.After the concert, the musicians were exhausted.