ZOFIA IGNATOWICZ AGNIESZKA ROGACKA MARTA MAROŃ ☺ Once upon a time in Silesia...- legendy i podania Górnego Ś l ą ska
Introduction Who of us doesn’t like listening to stories connected with the region we live in. The following project describes 6 basic creatures.
Scope In our presentation we would like to tell something about "Monsters in Treasurer's Kingdom", but particularly we'd like to tell about how they look like and what terrible things they do. The six of the most popular are:
Utopek Also known as Utopiec or Utopelec. It lives in ponds and rivers. It pulls people into water. Its skin is green and blue. It isn't cruel all the time, but it sometimes does jokes.
Bebok A creature who has large hooves and a big mouth with sharp teeth. It catches children into a bag. It lives in households.
Podciep One of the most frightening Silesian monsters. It looks like a baby with disproportionately big head. It sneaks homes, kidnaps babies and leaves them in forests.
Meduzyna A creature in a body of a beautiful woman who was killed because of neglecting the household duties, her husband and children.
Strziga Silesian kind of witch, also called Heksa, she doesn't fly on a broom but she flies on a butter barrel.
Skarbnik It has lived in the Silesian basements for ages in a form of various characters: an old man or a light on a wall. It often wants a half of miner's breakfast.
Opinion about monsters I must admit I have listened with great interest to the scaring stories connected with Silesian frightening creatures. As for myself I have never met any of them in spite of having lived in that region of Poland since I was born.
I am sure nobody has seen them as well but the history likes to be repeated over and over again. For sure all the phenomena were explained and proved by scientists but the legend has been living up to now like many other legends.
Thanks to this presentation you can learn about many interesting things about the monsters, what they do, what they are like and much more. For sure everybody knows some of them and everyone has an idea how they look like. Maybe some of them look exactly like you imagine them? Now you can expand your knowledge and learn much more. It's cool because maybe you will meet one of them one day? ;)