Evaluation of the project – Volksschule Stainz Evaluation from the Norwegian team
What could we see? The accommodations were outstanding, so thank you Austria – we were never hungry The school buildings and surroundings are quite modern in spite of the age – you update it with pupils work The opening session was a joy – with all the different presentations of the partner schools’ countries
In addition to good-looking teachers and headmaster… we saw a very tidy and inspirational learning environment. Lots of tips to the pupils on what to do and how to learn
(…what could we see…) Pupils were friendly, they looked inspired and were very glad to be in the school The lessons for the children were varied – some learning strategies for all kinds of pupils! There were a lot of different ways to work with the different subjects, lot of materials especially in math You focused on quality in stead of quantity In the studios we saw how you used age-mixed groups and different subjects to focus on for different groups We saw how the pupils learned with your teachers and with “professionals” from outside the school – and the pupils looked very inspired! The hand-out sheets concerning the lessons were very informative and helpful
What was new? Some similarities and some differences in teaching methods compared to Norway A lot of new websites where the teachers prints out practical tasks for their lessons. The studios People who are not working in the school work with you in the studios
Ideas to communicate/implement - to our school in daily work? The pupils could learn to choose stations individually Maybe try out studios for a period to see how it will work in a big school – divide into 2nd-4 th grade and 5 th to 7 th grade Eine kleine Nachtmusik and websites
Other activities The cultural experiences were very special – both the pumpkin farm (were Hamed is now their new worker), the tractor ride and vineyards were fun and «special»and the chestnuts were interesting. The hunting museum was like a paradise for children and we would love to have on ein Kristiansand. Stainz is a nice and clean village (although they start to work really early on the streets ZZzzZZ). Graz was wonderful, great architecture, wet and we saw it in a fast way... The University was inspiring and it was nice to hear about their revolution!
Comenius project so far: we are on our way to the method’s week