THE COLD WAR AT HOME Fear of the Reds
Loyalty Review Board 1947 by Truman Federal Employee Loyalty Program & Loyalty Review Board Dismiss disloyal employees investigated 3.2 million people
House of Un-American Activities (HUAC) Investigate Communist Influence 1947 Investigated movie industry Sneaking propaganda in movies
Hollywood Ten 10 men Refused to testify Believed hearings were unconstitutional Sent to prison
Hollywood Blacklist By Hollywood executives List of people condemned for Communist background 500 actors, writer, producers, directors Could no longer work Careers ruined
Alger Hiss 1948 Accused of spying for the Soviets Sent to prison for perjury
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg 1950 Implicated in Klaus Fuchs case Accused and convicted of espionage Sentenced to death
Joseph McCarthy Sen. from Wisconsin Communists were taking over the government Unsupported accusations
McCarthyism Footage of McCarthyism He may be a Communist if…