A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION You Know You Are A Ghetto Christian If.... You lie on an application to get a job and then get up and testify that "God made a way out of no way!"
A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION You tell the preacher to baptize you from the neck down because you just got your hair done!
You open your bible and you sneeze from the dust that flies out.
A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION You say many times, "show me in the bible where it says, thou shall not smoke".
A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION Your pickup line to all the single women in church is "the bible says, greet one another with a holy kiss".
A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION You know you attend a ghetto church when they stop worship to announce someone parked in the pastor's spot and they are currently being towed.
A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION You just got finished smoking on the outside of the church and then try to sing a song, get choked up, say to the congregation, "The devil don't want me to sing this song.”
You overheard someone say, "We got fed today at service" and you asked if they served chicken.
A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION After you've done wrong and someone has rebuked you, you don't repent but say, "Well the Lord knows my heart.”
A DON'T MESS WITH FRANKLIN'S CREATION You do not tithe because you say, "the preacher might be crooked and stealing the Lord's money to buy homes, boats, and cars, so I don't want to give it to him".