© P. Vermeulen / Handicap International © W. Daniels pour Handicap International © B. Franck / Handicap International Conventional Weapons Definitions
Weapons that are not weapons of mass destruction (e.g. nuclear, chemical and biological) Types considered by HI: Mines Explosive Remnants of War (inc. cluster munitions) Small Arms and Light Weapons (inc. missiles) Ammunition C ONVENTIONAL W EAPONS (CW)
Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for individual use that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Small Arms Definition (ISACS)
Small Arms Recognition Glock Pistol Pistols/handguns Shoulder arms © Handicap International AK 103
Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for use by two or three persons serving as a crew (although some may be carried and used by a single person) that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Light Weapons Definition (ISACS)
Light Weapons Recognition Rocket-Propelled Grenades (RPG)
Light Weapons Recognition Anti Aircraft Missile
The complete round or its components, including cartridge cases, primers, propellant powder, bullets or projectiles, that are used in small arms or light weapons. Ammunition Definition (ISACS)
Ammunition Recognition Ammunition for small arms Ammunition for light weapons