BISTABILITY & HYSTERESIS IN SUBJECTIVE VERTICAL Bram Bielen Natuurwetenschappen Ministage (40 dagen)
Subjective Visual Vertical (SVV) What is up?
Systematic error in visual vertical classic interpretation
Aubert effect (A-effect) SVV deviates in the direction of head tilt. (Underestimation of body tilt).
Müller effect (E-effect) SVV deviates in the direction of feet tilt. (Overestimation of body tilt).
Effects illustrated
ClockWise (CW) & CounterClockWise (CCW) CWCCW (ρ) Rear View
Task Adjustment, what is vertical?
Static experiments
Subjects are rotated to an angle (ρ) between 0 and 360º, CW or CCW. Testing begins after final tilt angle is reached. Examples: 30 sec / 60 sec.
Typical static test result * CW O CCW
Dynamic experiments
Subject is rotated for two full cycles 720 o CW or CCW. Testing during rotation. Stimulus at 3 sec interval
Dynamic test result
Two types of response possible At larger tilt angles
Bistability illustrated o A-cluster Δ E-cluster
Response depends on direction of preceding rotation LP & SP
Hysteresis illustrated
Why? Different results dynamic and static experiments
Test Paradigm Continuous & limited static dynamic
Task What is the orientation of a line?
Static results ContinuousLimited
Static results ContinuousLimited
Static results ContinuousLimited
Dynamic results + CCW o CW
Dynamic results + CCW o CW
Conclusions Verification of bistability and hysteresis Bistability in dynamic data
What to do? More subjects Different angles Other paradigms Bayesian model
Any questions?