Telecommunication Networks: B. Sc. Projects Orientation
Preliminaries What should you gain out of your B.Sc. Project? Learn the METHODOLOGY of doing a project Plan a work schedule & achieve it Being original Defy obstacles on your own Document your work Work in a team Apply the information you study from different courses in one common project. What kind of ENGINEER are you really going to turn out to be?
Practical &Production Preliminaries What types of B.Sc. Projects are out there? Study & Design Practical &Production Research
Practical &Production Preliminaries What types of B.Sc. Projects are out there? Study & Design Practical &Production Research Research: Contribute to the advancement of technology. It is challenging & satisfying to be the first to do something Aiming for a masters degree?
Practical &Production Preliminaries What types of B.Sc. Projects are out there? Study & Design Practical &Production Research Study & Design: Master the understanding of material you study in different courses Develop, design and implement a simulation model
Practical &Production Preliminaries What types of B.Sc. Projects are out there? Study & Design Practical &Production Research Practical & Production: Have an output product/Hardware (not just curves from a MATLAB model) A type of activity you would do possibly in work when you graduate
Integrated Wireless Indoor Planning & Optimization Tool for LTE Networks
Mobile Data Tremendous Traffic Growth CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate 1 Exa Byte = 1 Billion (109) Giga Byte [Ref] Cisco, “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2013–2018”, White Paper Feb .2014
Predominant Indoor Data Traffic Indoor Planning & Optimization a Key Figure in Coping with Indoor Data Traffic Growth [Ref] Nokia Siemens, “Improving 4G coverage and capacity indoors and at hotspots with LTE femtocells”, White Paper 2011
Distributed Antenna System
LTE-A Relay
Femto Cells
Projects: Capacity of DAS & Relay How Many Antennas? Where to Install Them?
Projects Turbo Ray Tracing
Image Theory
Proposed Turbo Ray tracing
Projects: Calibration
Related Work
RF ID System Example
Frame Slotted ALOHA
RFID Communication
RFID Collision Constellation
RFID Practical Measurements
Decoding Collided Slots Reduces Delay
Projects: SDR RFID Reader
An IoT Framework for Smart Energy Management
System Architecture
System Block diagram
Coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4 & WLAN Many IEEE 802.15.4 systems will be deployed indoors widely populated by WLAN Networks 12 out of 16 IEEE 802.15.4 Channels subject to WiFi interference WiFi Ch. 1 WiFi Ch. 6 WiFi Ch. 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4 & WLAN CSMA/CA based MAC Protocols Coexistence Modes: Symmetric Asymmetric
Beaconed Mode IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA/CA Data Packet from Upper Layer NB=0, CW=2, BE =macMinBE Delay for Random (2BE-1) Slots Perform CCA (1st or 2nd ) CCA Success? CW=2, NB=NB+1, BE =min(BE+1,macMaxBE) CW=CW-1 NB> maxNB? CW=0? Packet Discard Packet Transmission
Beaconed Mode IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA/CA Tslot
Tolerable Collision Percentage Collision Modeling Collision Interference Interleaving Tolerable Collision Percentage
Project: Simulation Model for IEEE 802. 15 Project: Simulation Model for IEEE 802.15.4 under External Interference
Frequency Hopping
Test bed Frequency Hopping: Micaz