Recommendations for Removal of AMPS in 3GPP2 Specifications July, 2010
2 Overview Background –AMPS network shut down in 2008, allowing removal of special AMPS blocker requirements and harmonization of 3GPP and 3GPP2 specifications. 3GPP2 AMPS blocker protection/requirements –STD (Single Tone Desense) CW blockers at 900kHz (Band 0) or 1.25MHz offset –In-band IM CW blockers at 900kHz/1.7MHz (Band 0) or 1.25MHz/2.05MHz offset Modifications to C.S0011 (IS98) and C.S0033 (IS866) specifications –Details in following slides –BC3 and BC6 specs will not be modified
3 Eliminate existing Single Tone Desense requirement (C.S , C.S ) Replace with Narrow Band Blocking similar to 3GPP and apply to all bands (except BC3 and BC6) Single Tone Desense ParameterUnitTest-1 Î or dBm/1.23MHzREFSENS+3dB I blocking (CW)dBm-30 F uw (offset)MHz ±0.9 for BC0/3 ±1.25 for BC1/4 UE transmitted mean powerdBm +15 for BC1/3/4 +23 for other BCs ParameterUnitLevel Î or dBm/1.23MHzREFSENS+10dB I blocking (GMSK)dBm-45 F uw (offset)MHz ±1.10 for BC0 ±1.27 for other BC’s UE transmitted mean powerdBm20
4 Modify existing intermodulation requirement (C.S , C.S ) Replace with close-in and far-out IM requirements for all bands (except BC3 and BC6) Close-In Far-Out Intermodulation ParameterUnit Test-1/2 (BC0/1/3/4) Test-1/2 (BC 6 Only) Test-3/4 (BC0 only) Test-5/6 (BC0 only) Î or dBm/1.23MHzREFSENS+3dB REFSENS+14dBREFSENS+25dB I ouw1 (CW)dBm I ouw2 (CW)dBm F uw1 (offset)MHz ±0.9 for BC0/3 ±1.25 for BC1/4 ±2.5±0.9 F uw2 (offset)MHz ±1.7 for BC0/3 ±2.05 for BC1/4 ±4.9±1.7 ParameterUnitLevel Î or dBm/1.23MHzREFSENS+10dB I ouw1 (GMSK)dBm-46 I ouw2 (CW)dBm-46 F uw1 (offset)MHz F uw2 (offset)MHz UE transmitted mean powerdBm20 ParameterUnitLevel Î or dBm/1.23MHzREFSENS+3dB I ouw1 (CW)dBm-46 I ouw2 mean power (forward link CDMA)dBm-46 F uw1 (offset)MHz F uw2 (offset)MHz UE transmitted mean powerdBm20
5 Adjacent Channel Existing Adjacent Channel Selectivity requirement (C.S , C.S ) Align with 3GPP and apply to all bands (except BC3 and BC6) ParameterUnitCase-1Case-2 ÎordBm/1.23MHzREFSENS+14dBREFSENS+41dB Ioac mean power (forward link CDMA jammer) dBm Fuw (offset)MHz+/ UE transmitted mean powerdBm20 ParameterUnitLevel Î or dBm/1.23MHzREFSENS+3dB I oac (forward link CDMA)dBm-37 F uw (offset)MHz±2.50 for BC6 only