A Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Leadership Learning On-Line Child Welfare Peer Training Network Freda Bernotavicz, Sue.


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Presentation transcript:

A Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Leadership Learning On-Line Child Welfare Peer Training Network Freda Bernotavicz, Sue Ebersten & MB Lippold Muskie School of Public Service Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network NCWWI Partners  University at Albany  University of Maryland  University of Denver  University of Southern Maine  National Indian Child Welfare Association  Fordham University  Michigan State University  University of Iowa  University of Michigan  Portland State University  Children’s Bureau/ ACF/DHHS

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network NCWWI Core Philosophy  Effective child welfare systems require a committed, competent and stable workforce and supportive organizational policies and practices that mirror Systems of Care principles.

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network NCWWI Purpose  Build the capacity of the nation’s child welfare workforce and improve outcomes for children, youth, and families through activities that support the development of child welfare leaders

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network NCWWI Vision A committed, competent and high-performing child welfare workforce that is  strengthened by professional education  sustained through leadership development  supported by organizational practices that mirror Systems of Care principles  skilled at delivering effective and promising practices that improve outcomes for children, youth, and families

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network NCWWI Goals  Derive promising practices in workforce development  Deliver child welfare leadership training for middle managers and supervisors  Facilitate BSW and MSW traineeships  Engage national peer networks  Support strategic dissemination of effective and promising leadership and workforce practices  Advance knowledge through collaboration and evaluation

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network NCCWI Approach: Components  Knowledge Assessment & Management  Leadership Academy – for Middle Managers (LAMM) & Supervisors (LAS)  BSW & MSW Traineeships  Peer Networks  Dissemination  Evaluation

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network NCWWI Implementation: Collaborative Approach  Cooperative Agreement with Children’s Bureau (T/TA Network, Workforce Projects, NRC’s, Implementation Centers)  Executive Management Team  National Advisory Committee  Child welfare agencies  Agency Training Departments (& NSDTA)  University social work programs

Leadership Academy for Supervisors (LAS)  Goal: Develop leadership skills for implementation of change  Audience: experienced supervisors in public, tribal and private agencies that provide CW services  Method: Online, self-directed learning with follow up sessions in real-time Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

 Core curriculum development:  Total enrollment: 716  National participation in self-directed approach: 402 have started  Indiana pilot in state-coordinated approach: 60 supervisors Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network LAS Implementation

Leadership Academy for Supervisors Content and Design Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Sue Ebersten Muskie School of Public Service

 Overview of the LAS Curriculum  Demonstration of key design elements of on-line training delivery Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Competing Priorities Change… and keep order Make the numbers…. and nurture your staff Open up to the community…. and manage internal operations Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

LAS Core Curriculum 1.Introductory Module 2.Foundations of Leadership 3.Leading in Context: Building Collaboratives 4.Leading People: Workforce Development 5.Leading for Results: Accountability 6.Leading Change: Goal-Setting

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Distance Education Methods Synchronous  Course is held at scheduled time  Instructor-led in real time  Learner interacts with peers and Instructor Asynchronous  Anytime, anyplace  Learners and Instructors not connected in real time  No learner to peer or learner to instructor interaction BLENDED

Advantages of Asynchronous  Consistent message  Cost effective for large, disperse audience  Convenient for learners Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Challenges of Asynchronous  Social aspects of learning  Skill building (observation and feedback)  Engaging learners Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Importance of Design Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Self-Directed Learning Approach The Five Discoveries 1.My Ideal Self 2.My Real Self 3.My Learning Agenda 4.Experimenting 5.Development - Richard Boyatzis Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Ideal Self Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Real Self Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Overlap = Strengths Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Gap = Learning Agenda Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Practice new skills I’m really using what I learned in the LAS.

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network Develop trusting relationships

Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network LAS Design Introductory Module I. Foundations of Leadership Pre-work Course LASLN II. Leading in Context Pre-work Course LASLN III. Leading People Pre-work Course LASLN IV. Leading for Results Pre-work Course LASLN V. Leading Change Pre-work Course LASLN Peer Networking Cultural Humility Recruitment & Selection Topic 3 TBA Topic 4 TBA

Success Factors In Distance Education CharacteristicsPractices Introduce Pre-work/exercises; readings; instructional content Illustrate Simulations to reinforce applicability Practice Case studies, problem solving, feedback, application to change initiative Evaluate Strengths and learning self-assessment, knowledge checks Reflection Journaling, learning plan, learning portfolio Mastery Self-assess mastery of training material Dunst,Trivette Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

LAS Asynchronous Design Elements  Multi-media interactivity  “Layered “ Instructional Content  Learning Self-Assessment  Case Study Approach  Reflection

Free Online Training for Child Welfare Supervisors Imagine the Possibilities M.B. Lippold, M.A., M.B.A. Indiana Department of Child Services Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Indiana’s Commitment  Leadership training already identified as a priority; working with Judy and John McKenzie from Michigan State University  Contacted the Institute and asked about participating in the training, but as a State entity  Very cooperative and accommodating; “Let’s Try It!!” Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Indiana’s Plan  Identified 3 Supervisors in each of Indiana’s 18 Regions; primarily experienced, well thought of supervisors, but not all  Sent information about registration; started 1 st module  Scheduled 1 st Leadership Academy for Supervisors Learning Networks (LASLN’s) Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

What Next?  Too early for formal evaluations  Started 2 nd module; informal feedback received; excellent material but very time consuming  Completed survey monkey; verified material a little overwhelming  Completed 2 nd LASLN Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Success!!  Modified 3 rd online training; shortened segments; broke down into smaller components  Clarified Required vs. Optional activities via video  Video prepared on navigating the website better Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Lessons Learned  Supervisors Want to learn and network  On-line training beneficial in terms of time since no travel required –Segments need to be short and clear –Expectations set forth clearly  LASLN’s productive when participants actively involved, completing activities during session worthwhile Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Required Activities For Statewide Approach  Frequent communication regarding expectations  Timely follow-up critical  Dedicated staff time to coordinate, answer questions, have additional consultations  “Pay-Off” clearly identified –How is this going to benefit me? Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Next Steps in Indiana  Complete next 3 modules based on current format  Continue to receive feedback from participants and make additional changes if appropriate  Thoughts about remaining 200 Supervisors, possibly more selective  Overall Assessment  Stop reading brochures!! (MB’s Staff’s Request) Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Next steps nationally  Move from self-directed to state- coordinated approach  Working with states to implement in own agencies  Implementation Resource Package  Memorandum of Agreement Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Questions and discussion  How can we work together to build the capacity of the child welfare workforce and implement the LAS?  What support do you need from the LAS Team?  How can we encourage supervisor participation in the training?  How can I preview a LAS module? Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Contact Information  LAS Team:  MB Lippold: Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network

Thank You A Service of the Children’s Bureau, a Member of the T/TA Network