Novel Beam Diagnostics on PXIE Vic Scarpine, FNAL 2nd Annual PASI Meeting April 3-5, 2013
Scope of PXIE* Build an integrated systems test of the first ~ 30 MeV of Project X –Validate front-end concept to minimize technical risk elements –Demonstrate wideband chopper –Low- superconducting acceleration Integrated systems test goals: –1 mA average current with 80% chopping of beam in MEBT –Efficient acceleration with minimal emittance dilution The scope of beam diagnostics are to identify and provide the instrumentation systems necessary to successful commission, characterize and operate PXIE and to validate the system test goals. * See Steve Holmes talk later in this session 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine2
Page 3 Project X Injector Experiment: PXIE CW H- source delivering 5 mA at 30 keV LEBT with beam pre-chopping CW RFQ operating at MHz and delivering 5 mA at 2.1 MeV MEBT with integrated wide-band chopper and beam absorbers capable of generating arbitrary bunch patterns at MHz, and disposing of 4 mA average beam current Low beta superconducting cryomodules: 1 mA to ~25 MeV Beam dump capable of accommodating 2 mA at 25 MeV (50 kW) for extended periods. Associated beam diagnostics, utilities and shielding RFQMEBT HWR-CM SSR1-CM H- LEBT ~ 40 m long HEBT/ Dump 1 mA ~ 25 MeV 5 mA ~ 2.1 MeV 5 mA 30 keV 1 mA ~ 2.1 MeV
PXIE Measurement Goals Beam current –DCCTs, Toroids, High- Bandwidth Resistive Wall Current Monitors (RWCM) Beam position and phase –Warm and cold BPMs Beam energy and energy spread –Time-of-flight from BPM phase, spectrometer magnet Beam transverse profiles –Wire scanners, multi-wires, laser wires 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine4 Beam transverse emittance –Allison scanner, slit-wire scanners, laser emittance monitor Beam longitudinal profiles –Wire-based bunch shape monitor, picosecond laser wires Beam halo –Vibrating wire, high-gain wires, laser wire, apertures, diamond detectors Beam loss monitoring –Ion chambers, neutron detectors Chopped beam extinction efficiency –High-Bandwidth RWCM, single (few) particle detection List of ~ 15 unique instruments needed for PXIE
Source-LEBT Instrumentation Beam Current –Unchopped Beam Current DCCT –Chopped Beam Current Toroid pickup Beam Emittance –Water-cooled Allison Scanner Measurement at ion source Collaboration with SNS 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine5 Allison Emittance Scanner LEBT
MEBT Instrumentation MEBT Operational Beam Measurements: (red = CW) Transverse position - BPMs Bunch Phase – BPMs time-of-flight beam energy Beam Current – DCCT, Toroids, RWCM (resistive wall current monitor) Extinction – RWCM with fast scope Transverse shape – wire scanners, laser wires Transverse emittance – slit/multiwire (low-res), double slit/Faraday cup (hi-res), Quad scans Longitudinal shape – laser wires, chopper, wire bunch shape monitor Absorber Profiler – OTR Imager or IR imager 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine6 RF Kick1 Dump RF Kick2 RF
Current HEBT concept Multi-port Diagnostics Box Extinction Monitor Quad doublet With X&Y corr. BPM (4 button warm) High- Power Dump RWCMRWCM Sweeping dipole H0 Profile Monitor* H0H0 H-H- Thin foil AbsorberAbsorber Laser wire /Wire Scanner combo Laser wire /Wire Scanner combo RWCMRWCM 7 Multi-port diagnostics Box: (similar to SNS MEBT 6-pack) Extinction monitor - tbd Transverse emittance - slit/detector wire scanner and/or laser wire (if needed) halo monitor – tbd Longitudinal bunch shape monitor future “unknown” diagnostics MEBT design *H0 profile monitor: neutralization monitor emittance measurement H+H+ Dump dipole 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine From Dave Johnson’s talk Transverse Beam Position and Longitudinal Phase - Warm BPMs Same as MEBT BPM design and functionality Beam Current Monitor Two RWCM – like MEBT Profiles in dump line to measure energy spread
“Novel” Beam Diagnostic Issues and Instruments nov·el 1 (nvl) n. 1.A fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot 2.Strikingly new, unusual, or different.
Warm and Cold BPMs 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine9 MEBT/HEBT Quadrupole Block Four button Warm BPM HWR/SSR1 Cold BPM Requirements: Transverse resolution 0.03 mm (for a single ~1 μs macro-pulse) 0.01 mm (CW) Phase resolution deg (> 10 s pulses) Bunch-by-bunch measurements in MEBT chopper region Synchronize signal detection Allows for lock-in detection for laser wire Mechanical Issues: Warm BPMs embedded in Quads Cold BPM stability in CM Signal Processing Issues: Arbitrary beam pattern from MEBT chopper Multiple paths through MEBT chopper Chopped Beam Patterns
MEBT Chopper Extinction Measurement Use upstream and downstream Resistive Wall Current Monitors (RWCM) Extinction -> ‘SBD-like’ monitor –Average over many bunches –< 1 Hz BW –Fits to bunch shape –Measure impact on adjacent bunches 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine10
Combined Wire Scanner - Laser Wire Unit Transverse 3-wire wire scanner plus laser wire module Hybrid wire scanner with laser ports –Modified version of SNS design Wire scanner in pulsed beam operation only Laser wire in either pulsed or CW beam operation Laser wire intended to measure transverse and longitudinal profiles –Will different lasers be required for transverse versus longitudinal measurements? Can wires or lasers measure profile tails/halo? –Transverse halo measurements with wire suffer from cross-talk –Halo measurement with laser suffer from scattered light effects 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine11 Locations: MEBT, between SC cryomodules, HEBT
Low-Power Transverse and Longitudinal Laser Wire Mode-locked psec laser used to measure both transverse and longitudinal profiles Laser rep-rate is locked to accelerator RF Distribute modulated laser pulses via fibers Narrow-band lock-in amp detects modulated signal Measure profiles by either: Collection of electrons Use BPM as notched-beam pickup would allow laser monitor to fit between cryomodules Questions: What is the photodissociation efficiency? What are the noise issues? What are the nonlinear limits to power in the fiber? What signal-to-noise ratios and averaging times are practical? Fall back laser wire option is to use high-power laser technique similar to SNS 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine12 R. Wilcox, LBNL
Laser Wire Emittance Monitor –Laser acts like slit x Generates H0 –H0 profiler measure H0 divergence x’ Background from beam neutralization –Demonstrated at SNS Operate at the end HEBT 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine13 Preliminary SNS Measurements (Y. Liu) Horizontal Vertical
Vibrating Wire Halo Monitor Temperature change affects the tension of sensitive wire and results in the shift of resonance frequency of the vibrating wire in permanent dipole magnets PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine14 Note: Frequency change is very sensitive to ambient temperature, mechanical vibration, and magnetic field Preliminary measurements made at HINS Beampipe Sensitive wire heated by beam Beam Moses Chung, FNAL Vibrating wire may have much higher dynamic range in the halo region
Preliminary Estimates of Instrument by Location 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine15 CurrentPosition/ Phase - BPM Trans. Profiles Trans. Emittance Long. Profiles HaloBeam Loss + Extinction LEBT MEBT29411*1TBD1 HWR & SSR * (between CMs) __1* (between CMs) __TBD__ HEBT252*1 + 1*11TBD1 FE = focusing element CM = cryomodule * = laserwire + = charged/neutral
Technical Challenges Many PXIE beam diagnostic instruments are based on previous designs –Most are low technical risk –Medium risk items MEBT chopper BPM measurements MEBT extinction measurement Wire scanner – laser wire combination unit Low-energy Beam Loss Monitoring –Higher risk items Low-power laser wire Laser transverse emittance monitor Vibrating wire halo measurements and transverse and longitudinal tails/halos in general Largest risks involve either laser-based measurements or halo measurements Collaboration with other groups important for diagnostics success –PASI Postdoc, Richard D’Arcy, to help with these problems 2013 PASI Meeting, Vic Scarpine16