San Bernardino County Transitional Assistance Department Improving Efficiency Through Automated Alerts/Reports Presented by June Hutchison
Caseload and Growth San Bernardino County Rising caseload growth necessitates more efficient means of controlling the workflow
Automated Alerts/Reports Examples: Application processing timeframes (30/45) ES/IN REs/RCs Automated alerts and reports, sent directly to line staff and Mgrs/Sups allow for better workflow controls. Timely processing and improved customer service result.
Reports Development Identified: Types of alerts Data needs Developed: Specific Alert Reports Report Dissemination Method Training and documentation regime Consulted and contracted with eXemplar to define business needs and provide efficiency strategies.
Reports –Key Features ed automatically weekly to EACH worker (to staff) No additional system to log into Reports in Excel attachment Easy to save/annotate/modify Workers can be assigned to receive one or multiple reports Supervisory/Management receive all alerts/reports for subordinate staff
Reports Criteria and Function Replaces Multiple Reports Prioritizes Work Show users what is due and when Allow For Pro-active Case Management Performance Management Tracking Creates Communication Forum Between all Levels of Staff
Developed Specific Reports CW/FS Intake CW/FS Continuing Med-iCal Intake Medi-Cal Continuing MC/NAFS Child Care Foster Care Internal Fraud Alerts…
Types of Information on the Alert Reports Food Stamps: Applications Nearing 30 Days Expedited Services – Due and Delinquent Re-Certifications Due Food Stamps Denied Prior to 30th Day (with reason code) QR7s Due C-IV Tasks Due IEVS Processing Rent Exceeds Income IDTs (with correct office posted) Critical MEDS alerts CalWORKs and Medi-Cal alert reports also provide information using the appropriate 45 day and other regulatory time frames for the respective programs