South Atlantic Regional Biological Assessment Update on Status of Re-initation of Consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act Terri Jordan – Biologist – Jacksonville District Douglas Piatkowski – Biologist – Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers
History of Consultation - SARBO 1991 – 1 st regional Biological Opinion for hopper, clamshell, pipeline dredges 1995 – incorporate clamshell and pipeline determination, incidental take of sea turtles for hopper 1997 – 2 opinions – increase of loggerhead take due to high mortality year – covers hopper, keeps 1991 determination on clamshell and pipeline dredges Jan Completion of Gulf Regional Biological Opinion
Listed species/actions NOT covered by 1997 SARBO
Geographic areas NOT covered by 1997 SARBO
ESA Reinitation Triggers Action is modified in a manner causing effects to listed species or critical habitat not previously considered New species listed or new critical habitat designated Amount or extent of incidental take is exceeded New information reveals effects of the action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner/to an extent not previously considered
Reinitation of Consultation Begun Jan 2007 by conference call between USACE and NMFS-PRD-SERO Letter from SAD to NMFS formally reinitiating - April 30,2007 May 2007 scope determination meeting in St. Pete, FL – NMFS staff, biologists from CW and RD programs of SAD, SAJ, SAW, SAC and SAS
Actions Covered by New SARBO Federal, Federally-permitted, or Federally sponsored –dredging of the Coastal Waters, Navigation Channels, and Sand Mining Areas Along the South Atlantic Coast. –Sand placement within previously approved templates (except in Acropora habitat) Dredge types – hopper; cutterhead; clamshell; bed-leveling; water-jetting; side-casting –Add Canaveral Harbor dredging with hopper dredge Transport activities – Hopper; scow-barge; tugboats
Actions NOT covered by new SARBO Sand placement within habitat of coral species (Martin/Palm Beach County line south through Monroe county, Florida; USVI or PR). Port Expansion (deepening, widening) Separate opinion will be required for these activities
Emerging Issues NMFS 10-knot speed rule for right whale protection Genetic sampling of all relocated and lethally taken sea turtles Bed-leveling as a construction activity Pending Acropora and smalltooth sawfish draft Critical Habitat Designations Pending Acropora 4(d) rule defining “take” Sedimentation/turbidity effects on corals from dredging (all dredging methods)
Status and Schedule Data gathering continues First draft being drafted by lead authors (Piatkowski and Jordan) First Draft – trying to finish ~ Nov 2007 Circulate to team for review, edits Circulate to District and Division leadership Finalize and submit to NMFS ~Feb 2008
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