CourseWhere Guide for Instructors
To view, print and update Attendance and Grades Log on to CourseWhere using your ID and password Link to CourseWhere:
Once you log in, you will see the Instructor menu. Click on “Instructor Sessions” under Reports Click Here
This will display all the Courses you have taught/are teaching. Select the Session you want by clicking on the date of the S ession. Click on the date to select the session
This will open a new window with details of the Course, number of participants, their names and addresses etc. (Example displayed). 1) Select the option to open and view the Attendance Sheet. 2) Select the option to open the Attendance and Grade sheet. You can access the registrants’ contact information if needed. Eg.: Copy and paste the contact information into MS Excel to create a distribution list and send them s Registrant contact info
Choose “Print” option from the File Menu to print out the Attendance Sheet.
Attendance and Grade Sheet Check the checkbox next to the participant’s name under “Att.” to mark as attended. In case all have attended, click on the “All Attend” tab. To enter grades, enter the participant’s grade next to the name. Once all changes have been made, click “Update”. Once a class is complete and grades and attendances have been updated, please send the attendance sheet to the Staff Development Specialist and send her an notifying her that grades have been updated.
To send registrant messages Log in to CourseWhere using your ID and password. Under Messages, click on Registrant Broadcast to open the “Registrant Message Broadcast” Page. Registrant Broadcast
Registrant Message Broadcast
Steps to send a broadcast Click on the drop- down button for “Select Registrants” The list on the right contains the various types of selections offered to choose the registrant type. Eg: We will take the example of “By Session”.
Steps to send a broadcast Click on the drop- down button for “Registrant Type”. Choose the appropriate Registrant Type.
Based on the choice of “Select Registrants” and “Registrant Type” you can further choose to send out a broadcast to all registrants under a selected category or to selected registrants from a list only. Steps to send a broadcast Eg.: If you choose to send a broadcast to registrants who have registered for particular course/s only, choose to “Select Registrants” By Course, and under “Registrant Type”, choose “All Registrants”. Then, select the course name. In case of more than one course, hold down the “Ctrl” key and select the course names. After this, press “Select”. This will display all the registrants’ names on the window to the left. To send a message to all registrants, click on,and to choose selected registrants only, click on the name and click on to display the names in the window to the right.
Steps to send messages after selection - After the recipients’ names have been selected, type in the subject of the in the “Message Subject” field. - Type the message in the “Message” field. - In case you want to change the “From Name”, ”From Address” and “CC Address”, you can do so. -Once all the changes have been made, click on “Send”. And all the selected registrants will receive your message. The page should look similar to the one displayed below before you click the “Send” button if you have followed the above example. Steps to send a broadcast
Registrant Message Broadcast ready to be sent
If you have questions, please contact Staff Development Department at or