Dr. Lee Cohen Podiatric Consultant to: The Philadelphia Eagles The Philadelphia 76ers The Philadelphia Wings
Check Yourself Out! Check Yourself Out!
Check Yourself Out Check Yourself Out Discover why you have low back or joint pain Learn basic information on how your body works Master a self-evaluation
Self-Evaluation Check List EyesMouth Head & Neck ShouldersBackHipsThigh/Knee Foot & Ankle
Preparation Access to a full-length mirror Attire: women—sports bra & women—sports bra & running shorts/tights running shorts/tights men—running men—running shorts/tights shorts/tights **Pen and paper—draw a stick figure of yourself
Eyes Your eyes should always be level with the ground or horizon. Your eyes will always seek a level horizon. Note your findings on your drawing. ** This picture reveals a lower right eye.
Mouth With a neutral facial expression, your mouth should be parallel with your eyes. These two observations will form a reference point. Note your findings on your drawing. ** This picture reveals a lower right mouth, but the eyes and mouth are parallel.
Head & Neck Observe if your head tilts to the right or left. If you have long hair, be sure to pull it up. Note your findings on your drawing. ** This picture reveals a head tilt to the right.
Shoulders Observe the height of your shoulders. Does one shoulder look lower then the other? Note your findings on your drawing. ** This picture reveals that the right shoulder is lower.
Putting It All Together Possible scenario: Head tilt to the right, lower right shoulder could indicate a longer right leg. Remember…the body will compensate to keep the eyes parallel with the ground or horizon.
Shoulders/Back Turn to the side. A “normal” back has a slight kyphosis curve in the upper back and a slight lordotic curve in you lower back.
Shoulders/Back Observe the shape of your upper back. Is there an excessive curve (Kyphosis) or hunch back? Note your findings on your drawing.
Shoulders/Back Observe the curve in your lower back. Is there an excessive lordotic curve? Often times an increased lordotic curve will cause your pelvis to rotate forward and create tight thigh muscles. Note your findings on your drawing.
Hips Face the mirror. Place your hands on your hips. Take your fingers and locate the bony portion of your hips that face forward. This is going to be your reference point. Are these points level, or is one side higher then the other? Note your findings on your drawing. ** This picture reveals that the right hip is higher then the left.
Hips Turn to the side. Use the same reference points. Do these points appear to be level, or is one hip rotated forward? Hips can be tilted side-to- side or front-to-back, which is called pelvic tilt. Note your findings on your drawing.
Knees Face the mirror. Is your thigh bone angled out and the bone below your knee angled in? This condition is known as bow- legged. Note your findings on your drawing.
Knees Does your thigh bone angle in and the bone below your knee angle out? This condition is known as knock knee. Note your findings on your drawing.
Knees Observe your knee cap. Is your knee cap pointing straight ahead or is it tilted in/out? Are your knee caps level or is one higher then the other? Note your findings on your drawing.
Knees Turn to the side. Observe the alignment of your hip, knee and ankle. **This picture demonstrates normal alignment.
Knees If your knee and leg are curved to the back, this is referred to as Genu Recurvatum or commonly known as “Back Knee”. Note your findings on your drawing. **Genu Recurvatum/Back Knee.
Ankle/Foot Face the mirror. Observe the alignment of your lower leg, ankle and foot. If your foot and ankle roll inward, you have a pronated or flat foot.
Ankle/Foot Turn so that your back is to the mirror. Observe your Achilles Tendons. Do they tilt inward? Note your findings on your drawing. **Pronated Foot.
Ankle/Foot Turn so that you are facing the mirror. Observe the alignment of your lower leg, ankle and foot. If your foot and ankle roll outward, you have a Pes Cavus or High Arch foot.
Ankle/Foot Turn so that your back is to the mirror. Observe your Achilles Tendons. Do they tilt outward? Note your findings on your drawing. **Pes Cavus/High Arch Foot.
Ankle/Foot Face the mirror. Observe the positioning of your toes. Do they toe in? Note your findings on your drawing. **Toe In.
Ankle/Foot Observe the positioning of your toes. Do you toe out? Note your findings on your drawing. **Toe Out.
Medical History Chief complaint --When did the pain start? --When did the pain start? --How long have you had the pain? --How long have you had the pain? --When do you have pain? --When do you have pain? --Have you done any treatment? --Have you done any treatment? --Have you seen a professional medical --Have you seen a professional medical care provider? care provider? --Are you experiencing any other pain? --Are you experiencing any other pain?
Medical History Other information --Has your activity status changed? --Has your activity status changed? --Has your workout schedule changed (i.e. --Has your workout schedule changed (i.e. duration, intensity, terrain)? duration, intensity, terrain)? --Have you changed your foot gear? --Have you changed your foot gear? --Has there been a significant --Has there been a significant increase/decrease in body weight? increase/decrease in body weight? --Do you routinely stretch? --Do you routinely stretch?
Medical History
Your Next Step… Complete assessment. Complete Medical History. **Printable forms on **Printable forms on Seek out Medical Help. Take your assessment and medical history form. **Primary Care Physician. **Primary Care Physician. **Podiatrist—specializes in foot and **Podiatrist—specializes in foot and ankle problems. ankle problems.
Your Next Step… Look for the next in this series of self-help presentations. It will focus on partner guided observations.
Your Next Step… Dr. Lee Cohen 642 East Chester Pike 642 East Chester Pike Ridley Park, PA Ridley Park, PA (610) (610)