Assessing the client and preparing service plans Through out your consultation you assess the needs of your client. As a level 3 therapist you will be performing many treatments, but the main objectives of these will be: To improve skin condition and texture. To improve contour and muscle condition. To aid relaxation and reduce symptoms of stress.
Alcohol Smoking Recreational drugs Stress Exercise Diet Health Ageing Exposure Pregnancy Hair
Assessing skin type Skin tone Stretch marks Varicose veins Muscle tone
Body Types:
Ectomorph Physical Traits Slim Long slender bones Little muscular bulk Lack of curves May be underweight
Endomorph Physical Traits Short and plump Padded contours Fatty deposits on shoulders, hips, abdomen Prone to weight accumulation Small hands and feet Wide hips
Mesomorph Physical Traits Athletic build Well-developed shoulders Boyish hips Well-developed muscualture Inverted triangular shape.
Muscle tone Body fat, hard fat and soft fat Cellulite Fluid retention Weight Height
BMI – is a height- weight measure often used to determine if a client is over weight. Weight in kilograms Height in meters squared The average adult BMI is between 20-25; in excess of 26 is considered a health risk
Measurement records provide evidence of inch loss, the aim of many figure body services. The areas you will measure are: Bust/ chest Waist Hips Upper right thigh Upper left thigh Mid right thigh Mid left thigh Wrist Upper right arm Upper left arm