Poultry ID and Fabrication
Today’s Agenda Quia Review Poultry Kinds and Classes Structure and Composition Inspection and Grading Purchasing, Receiving and Storage Fabrication Cookery Lab Overview
Poultry Definition: Domesticated birds bred for eating
Poultry: Kinds and Classes Type of ChickenSpecification Broiler Fryer13 weeks 3.8lbs or less Poussin3-4 weeks lbs Capon9-12 weeks 5-9 lbs Cornish Hen4-5 weeks 1-2 lbs Poulet de BresseBreed originating from France Rhone- Alps Bresse(chicken)Bresse(chicken)
Poultry: Kinds and Classes TypeSpecification Turkey (Fr. Dinde) Fryer/roaster Young Yearling Mature Duck (Fr. Canard)Broiler Roaster Mature Goose (Fr. Oie) Young Mature Guinea (Fr. Pintade) Young Mature Has both light and dark meat Tender enough to sauté Pigeon (Fr. Pigeon) Commonly called squab
Inspection and Grading All poultry for public consumption is subject to USDA inspections. Not an indicator of quality or tenderness Grading is voluntary but universal. USDA Grading according to quality A, B, or C
Breeds Japanese Shokoku – for eggs Rhode Island Red – Meat and Eggs
Breeds Plymouth Rock or Barred Rock Poulet de Bresse - Meat
Purchasing How can you purchase Chicken? From who?
Small vs. Industrial
Receiving What to Check for Product Specifications vs. The Invoice
Processing Removing feathers in a “picker”
Steps of Fabrication of a Chicken 101Anatomy of a Chicken 101
1. Accessing the wishbone
2. Removing the wishbone
4. Removing the wing starting at the blade
5. Avoiding the Breast Meat
6. Separating the Wing
7. Cutting skin between breast and leg/thigh
8. Popping the Thighs from the Hip Socket
9. Tip of knife between hip socket and femur
10. Toward the tailbone
11. Saving the Oyster
12. Separating leg from thigh 90º
13. Standing up the Breasts
14. Tip to Board to Remove neck and back
16. Scoring the Membrane
17. Tip through to board just above breast plate
18. “Popping the Keel”
19. “Peeling the Keel”
20. Separating the Breasts
21. Filleting the rib bones off
12 pieces Chicken -mignon removed
Airline Breasts
Trussing When and Why? How?
Sanitation Alert Be sure that all equipment used in the preparation of poultry is sanitized before and after coming in contact with poultry Be careful that juices and trimmings from poultry do not come into contact with other foods Rinse poultry in cold running water and dry before cooking to remove collected juices
Lab Overview Break and Store Chickens Properly Conduct Trim Loss Test Other Production as Assigned