Soft Tissue Trauma
Achilles Rupture Disruption of the tendon - edema Normal
Achilles Rupture T2 image Focal high signal in tendon (white) Irregular appearance to tendon Tendon normally low signal (black)
Felt pop (“weekend warrior” athlete)
Knee injury Normal comparison
ACL Tear Normal comparison ACL
ACL Tear #2 Normal comparison ACL
Knee Trauma
Bone Contusions Patellar dislocation/relocation pattern Bone edema as result of contusion See high signal from bleeding/ fluid in bone marrow Kissing lesions during dislocation of patella
Knee pain Normal
Anterior horn lateral meniscus tear Anterior horn meniscal tear High signal with extension to the superior surface Normal
Knee Pain
Radial tear lateral meniscus Normal High signal medial posterior lateral meniscus = tear
Knee pain basketball player Normal
Jumper’s knee (patellar tendinosis/partial tearing) High signal from edema in the tendon and adjacent tissues Normal
Muscle Tear Coronal section of the thigh High signal on Fat suppressed images Fluid-Hematoma in adductor muscle group Compare to right thigh
Myositis Ossificans Amorphous bone formation in soft tissues Likely related to prior trauma
Widened Mediastinum Deceleration injury Widened superior mediastinum Must exclude positional factors (supine patient, AP film) CT can identify blood Angiogram to separate aortic injury from other vessel injuries
Aortic Tear Arch aortogram Arrow indicates area of aortic tear