Dress for Success Dutchtown High School CTAE Department Requirements Last Wednesday of Each Month Source: 2008 Microsoft Corporation
Male—110% Suit and Tie Tie Dress Shirt* Dress Pants Dress Shoes = 110% *Shirt must be TUCKED IN! Source: , Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
Female—110% Business Suit Suit (with knee length skirt OR Matching*, ankle length pants) Blouse Dress Pants Dress Shoes = 110% Source: 2008 Microsoft CorporationSource: 2007 Concord Training Services *Matching means the pants must be made out of the same material as the jacket.
Male—105% Dress Shirt and Dress Pants Dress Shirt* Dress Pants Dress Shoes (can wear leather top-siders) = 105% *Shirt must be TUCKED IN! Source: 2008 Microsoft Corporation
Female—105% Business Dress Dress or Skirt (knee length) Blouse Dress Pants Dress Shoes = 105% Source: 2008 www5.jcpenny.com
Male & Female—100% Business Casual Collared Shirt (Tucked) Dress Pants or Khakis Non-Athletic Shoes = 100% Source: 2008 She Plays Sports, Inc. Source: 2007 Hubpages, Inc.
Male & Female—100% Healthcare Science Scrubs (top and bottom must be matching) Closed toe shoes Source: Happyscrubs.com Source: scrubsgallery.com Source: uniformcity.com Source: scrubshopper.com Source: uniformadvantage.com
What NOT to Wear Athletic Shoes = Minus 25 Points From any Outfit Total Source:
Lose ALL Points Flip Flops Bedroom Shoes Source: lakewoodconferences.com Source: 2008 Microsoft Corporation
Lose 100 points Skirt Too Short (must still met DHS dress code) Source: 2008 www5.jcpenny.com Source: traffordcentre.co.ukSource: anitadress.com
Lose ALL Points Leggings with top: Leggings under skirt:
Lose ALL Points Pants Too Short Source: jcrew.com Source: kohls.com Source: 2008 eLuxury.com Inc.
Lose ALL Points Denim Source: Cottontraders.com Source: jcpenney.com