New Ways of Teaching English


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Presentation transcript:

New Ways of Teaching English 英語教學新點子 高雄縣 林園國中 2010.12.7 演講人:鍾政信

What is Grammar? A: Coffee? B: Please. A: Milk? Sugar? B: No milk. One sugar. Thanks. A: Toast? B: No thanks.

A: Would you like some of this coffee? B: Yes, I would like some of that coffee, please. A: Do you take milk? Do you take sugar? B: I don’t take milk. But I will take one sugar, thanks. A: Would you like some of this toast? B: I’d prefer not to have any of that toast, thanks.

Oral Practice

Box 1. Teacher Introduction How old are you? What’s your name? Where are you from? What’s your favorite food? What’s your favorite sport?

Box 2. Flash Card What’s this/ that? It’s a . Is this a ? Yes, it is / No. it isn’t. Who is she / he? She is a . Is she a ? Yes, she is. / No she isn’t.

Where is ? It is (on/ under/ in/ behind/ near) . Is there a (on/ under/ behind/ near) the desk? Yes, there is / are. No, there isn’t / aren’t. There is/ are .

Box 3. Choral Drill T: I go to the post office. (全班或全組一起齊聲覆誦,完整句子 ) T: I go to the post office. Ss: I go to the post office. T: I am going to the post office. Ss: I am going to the post office.

Box 4. Expansion Drill T: the post office Ss: the post office (增加字使一個句子變長。非完整句子) T: the post office Ss: the post office T: go to the post office Ss: go to the post office. T: They go to the post office. Ss: They go to the post office. T: They are going to the post office. Ss: They are going to the post office.

Box 5. Transformation Drill 依提示造出: 肯定、否定、疑問、動詞單複數、句型。 T: She wants a hat. (doesn't) Ss: She doesn’t want a hat. T: She can play the flute. (Can she…) Ss: Can she play the flute? T: They are walking. ( Mary) Ss: Mary is walking. T: She buys a skirt. (want to) Ss: She wants to buy a skirt.

Box 6. Tenses took gave blew threw rang sang ate flew drove swam was 教師唸現在式,讓學生複習過去式不規則變化 took gave blew threw rang sang ate flew drove swam was told were rode went bore fell got felt saw bought spoke did

Written Practice

Box 1. Discovery Activity Princess / Kiss / Frog The princess kisses the frog. (簡單式) The princess is kissing the frog. (現在進行式) The princess kissed the frog. (過去式) The princess will kiss the frog. (未來式) The princess has ever kissed the frog. (完成式)

Princess, kiss the frog. (祈使句) A frog was kissed by a princess. (被動) It was a frog who was kissed by the princess. (關代) Does a princess kiss a frog? (疑問句) Has a frog been kissed by a princess? Princess, kiss the frog. (祈使句)

Worksheet (1) 動名詞 v.s 不定詞

Box 2. Ransom Letter Letters ↓ Words Sentence Patterns

 2 = 動詞 Run! ? Box 3. 句型教學 123 Jack runs. 1 2 Jack runs to the park. 1 2 Jack runs to the park. 1 2 3 Run! ?  2 = 動詞

Box 4. 關係代名詞 Hank likes that girl. That girl sits over there. 關係代名詞能當連接詞和主詞  Hank likes that girl + that girl sits over there. Hank likes that girl who sits over there. = + that girl =連接詞和主詞

Ted met the boy yesterday. 關係代名詞能當連接詞和受詞 We know the boy + = We know the boy who Ted met yesterday. = + the boy =連接詞和受詞

Box 5. 頻率副詞 Always Usually Often Sometimes Seldom Never

I am always late for work. I seldom go to school by bus. She can sometimes walk to school. 頻率副詞位置: 1.be動詞之後 2.一般動詞之前 3. 助動詞和一般動詞之間

She can not walk to school. I am not late for work. She can not walk to school. Not位置: 1.be動詞之後 2.一般動詞之前 3. 助動詞和一般動詞之間

Box 5.1 情態副詞 Tom speaks English . (=well) John got up . (=lazily) He watched TV in the room . (=quietly)

Box 6. 時態 但是… 老師每次都說…. 看到 last + 時間 選過去式 看到 next +時間 選未來式 看到 now +時間 選現在進行式 但是… We will have a test next morning. (O) = We have a test next morning. (O) He is eating beef noodles now. (O) = He eats beef noodles now. (O)

Worksheet (2) Tenses

張國榮     周杰倫  (1956-2003)     (1979-)  Can you complete these sentence, with either 張國榮or 周杰倫? 1. was born in 1979. 2. died in 2003. 3. was a singer. 4. is a singer. 5. has written many popular songs. 6. has lived in Taiwan. 7. lived in Hong Kong. 8. doesn’t have a girlfriend. 9. will hold a concert. 10. is preparing a new movie. 11. won a lot of awards about movies 5 years ago.

1. was born in 1979. 周 2. died in 2003. 張 3. was a singer. 張 4. is a singer. 周 5. has written many popular songs. 周 6. has lived in Taiwan. 周 7. lived in Hong Kong. 張 8. don’t have a girlfriend. 周 9. will hold a concert. 周 10. is preparing for a new movie. 周 11. won a lot of awards about movies 5 years ago.張

Box 7. Line Sketching

It was an egg. It is a chick. It will be a hen.

Thanks for your attention and participation! Q&A