Vehicle safety inspection trial & compliance inspections Andrew Chlebica Manager Compliance and Information
2 Trial commenced in August Scope - operators maintain buses under either: self regulated inspection regime existing MMS requirements. A total of 127 buses are participating. Inspection data are provided at quarterly intervals. Trial will include analysis of pre and post trial annual inspection certificates. Trial scheduled to conclude end of December Vehicle safety inspection trial update
3 Major defects Total major defects by group type and sorted by count for self regulated and controlled group
4 Defects per 1,000 Kms Ratio summary for all defects per 1,000 kilometres travelled and sorted by ratio for self regulated and controlled group
5 Compliance inspections Inspections assess compliance with Bus Safety Act 2009 (Vic) and are undertaken at locations where bus traffic can be found. Inspections are undertaken at times with other enforcement agencies. During , 13 inspections conducted with a total of 400 buses and driver credentials inspected.
6 Non-compliances identified IssuesNoAction taken Fire extinguisher inoperative154Operator follow-up No carry capacity sign59Operator follow-up No emergency management plan26Operator follow-up No emergency hammer8Operator follow-up Work diary incomplete138 Infringement notices 5 Warnings No driver accreditation53 Infringement notices 2 Warnings Operator unaccredited/unregistered33 Prohibition notices Defective tyres44 Defect notices Other vehicle defects1313 Defect notices
7 Maintaining fire extinguishers Australian Standard AS 1851—2012, Routine service of fire protection systems and equipment. Fire extinguishers are to be tested at six monthly intervals. Portable extinguishers that have passed testing shall have the month and year of the test clearly identified on the extinguisher by one of the following means: (a) permanent marking (by stamping, embossing or engraving) on the skirt or neck ring of the cylinder, provided that it is not applied to part of the pressure retaining portion of the cylinder (b) recording on a durable label affixed to the cylinder. The label shall be self-destructive when removal from the cylinder is attempted (c) a plastic indicator ring retained under the valve such that it can only be installed/removed from the extinguisher by fully removing the valve from the extinguisher.
8 Carrying capacity sign Bus Safety Regulations 2010 (Vic) A bus built with seating positions for 13 or more adults, must have notices on or in the bus to the satisfaction of the Safety Director which clearly show, the maximum number of passengers that may be safely carried on the bus. Approved notice: MAXIMUM SAFE CARRYING CAPACITY XX PASSENGERS One inside bus visible from drivers seat, and one on the outside of the rear of bus Notice to be displayed by 31 December 2015.
9 Enforcement tools Non-compliance notice Improvement notice Prohibition notice Court
10 New enforcement tool Transport (Safety Schemes Compliance & Enforcement) Act 2014 (Vic) Infringement powers Transport (Safety Schemes Compliance & Enforcement) (Infringement) Regulations 2014 Infringement offences Commence using January 2015
11 Infringement offences Failing to ensure fire extinguishers on bus are operational ($295.22) Failing to ensure required safety notices are displayed in/on bus ($59.04) Operating bus service when not registered ($1,771.32) Commercial minibus – failing to ensure driver holds driver accreditation ($1,771.32) Accredited bus operator failing to display accredited bus operator number plates on bus ($295.22) Display accredited bus operator number plates on bus when not accredited ($295.22)
12 End of presentation