Indirect Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect object pronouns tell to or for whom an action is being done.
Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. I gave those shoes to him. What is the verb, the direct object and the indirect object?
Indirect Objects The Indirect object answers the question to whom, for whom, to what, for what of the verb. The formula is: Subject + verb + D.O. + to whom for whom to what for what
Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. Subject + verb + Direct object + For whom
Indirect Objects I gave those shoes to him. verbdirect object indirect object
Indirect Object Pronouns (English) (to or for) me (to or for) you (to or for) him, her, it (to or for) us (to or for) them
Indirect Object Pronouns (Spanish) me(to or for me) te(to or for you) le(to or for him, her, it) nos (to or for us) os (to or for you all) (fam) les (to or for them, you all)
Placement of Indirect Object Pronouns Follow these 4 rules for placement of all object pronouns
Rule #1 Object pronouns go before the conjugated verb. This rule works with 1 verb or multiple verbs If it is a negative statement the no goes before the object pronoun. I eat the cookies. I eat them. I don’t eat them. Yo como las galletas. Yo las como. No las como.
Before the Conjugated Verb: La agente de viajes me da el boleto (a mí). El auxiliar de vuelo nos trae unos refrescos (a nosotros). El empleado les devuelve los pasaportes (a ellos).
Rule #2 Object pronouns may be attached to the infinitive or the present participle. This rule works with 2 or more verbs. If it is a negative statement the no goes before the object pronoun. I want to eat the cookies. I want to eat them. I don’t want to eat them. Yo quiero comer las galletas. 1.Yo quiero comerlas. 2.Yo las quiero comer. No las quiero comer. No quiero comerlas.
Before the verb or after the infinitive: Before the verb: Le voy a mostrar el itinerario. After the infinitive: Voy a mostrarle el itinerario.
Rule #3 (affirmative commands) Object pronouns MUST ALWAYS be attached to the affirmative command. Look for it(the book).Búscalo.(accent needed) Help me to find it.Ayúdame a encontrarlo.
Rule #4 (negative commands) Object pronouns can NEVER be attached to the negative command. Don’t look for it.No lo busques. Don’t tell me.No me digas.
Summary of DOP & IOP SubjectDirect objectIndirect object yomeme tútete éllole ellalale Ud.lo, lale nosotrosnosnos elloslosles ellaslasles
References and notes Retreived from: 20object%20pronouns.pptRetreived from: 20object%20pronouns.ppt Modified by Ms. Furphy