Welcome Welcome to Bournes Green Infant School Headteacher Mrs C Sheern Early Years Leader/Class Teacher – Purple Unit Miss N Toms Teaching Assistant – Mrs S Rawlinson Class Teacher - Orange Mrs V Healy Teaching assistant – Mrs D Szczypka
Bournes Green Infant School Why BGIS? Academic? Nurturing School? High Expectations?
Expectations! Encouragement Information Plan enjoyable learning programmes Safe
Expectations Attendance – 95.9% - currently – 97.20% Punctual – beginning and end Attend meetings/functions Parking Holidays Photographs Support – –Homework –Good behaviour –Uniform
The aims of our school To work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust To provide a happy, caring, well-ordered, safe environment To develop self-confidence, self-esteem and independence To bring learning to life
The Foundation Stage Curriculum We encourage the children to learn through a range of carefully planned experiences that are both challenging and fun.
We learn to explore and work independently…. and as part of a team
Curriculum Information meeting Monday 29 th September at 1.45pm and repeated at 7.00pm The Foundation Stage Curriculum
Golden Rules be gentle be kind and helpful be honest work hard look after property listen
Opportunities to talk to staff Home visits Informally at the end of the day Before school if it is urgent – via office By appointment Consultation Evenings Celebration Evening – Thursday 3 rd July 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Uniform Jumper/cardigan, tie and white shirt with pinafore/skirt/trousers Jumper/cardigan, white polo shirt with motif, shorts/skirt Summer dress – any style!
Red PE shorts and yellow polo shirt with motif.
Our uniform stockists are: Paul’s in Southchurch Road Crawlers in Hamstel Road - not jumpers Schoolwear Shop in Hamlet Court Road
School hats, book bags and snack bags are available from the school office. (£8.60) Children will be working outside every day: –Summer – sun cream, hats –Winter – warm coats, hats and gloves –Wellington Boots
Please name everything clearly!!!
Healthy Schools We have a whole school approach to the health and well- being of our children. We believe that staff and pupils who are happy and healthy in mind and body will enjoy working together.
Healthy Eating All children are encouraged to have a named sports bottle for water and to bring in fruit/veg for the morning snack. Please send your child with water and a fruit/veg snack when they attend part time. Snack bags
Afternoon fruit/veg snacks are provided. –Full time Morning milk is available – Please see the cool-milk leaflet in your pack
Free School Lunches Order form in advance Two week menu Absence – please let the office know
For packed lunch the children need: A named lunchbox and flask/carton. Food they like and can manage to open. Only what you expect them to eat! No nuts, peanut butter, sweets or chocolate. No fizzy drinks, no yoghurts in tubes PLEASE.
Please ask in the school office if you think you are eligible for Free School Meals.
Pupil Premium Income support Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance Support under Part Vl of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Guarantee element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit * Working Tax Credit*
Pupil Premium Is your child…? Adopted from Care Looked After Child Does your child have…? Parent in the Armed Forces
Walking/Scooting/Cycling to School
Child health concerns If you have any concerns about your child’s health, please contact your health visitor as soon as possible.
The School Nursing Service Weigh and measure pupils Random Dental Checks Hearing and Sight Tests Operate a drop in service Behavioural Issues Minor Medical Issues
Friends of Bournes Green The Friends of Bournes Green raise money to provide additional facilities for our children.
Full Service Extended School Before school club from 7.50am to 8.40am £3 per session After school club from 3.10pm to 6pm £10 per session £4 per hour or part hour
Charges Voluntary contributions for swimming, trips and visitors
Induction Morning home visits (birth certificates/toy/learning journey) Afternoon taster sessions – 1.30pm–3.00pm Parents Coffee Afternoon 2 weeks part time morning and afternoon (Lunch Thursday and Friday of morning visit) Full time from Monday 29 th September
Paperwork Class and sessions letter General Notes Prospectus and Transition Book All About Me Booklet (please return asap) Home School Agreement Internet Code of Conduct Consent form – walks & food tasting Reminders - Starting School Handwriting Privacy Notice
Website Prospectus Calendar Newsletters New Intake Meeting -Powerpoint
Before September Have some packed lunches Social skills Independent dressing and toileting Lots of stories, rhymes and imaginative play Manipulative play – fine motor Numbers for a purpose – number rhymes Independence skills – e.g. belongings
EYFS Results Good Level of Development ELG % (41%)
Bournes Green Infant School SAT Results L2+LB+L2a+L3+ Reading 98% (88%) 93% (78%) 73% (55%) 53% (29%) Writing 95% (85%) 92% (67%) 65% (37%) 25% (15%) Mathematics 97% (91%) 92% (78%) 75% (51%) 55% (23%) Science BGIS 97% (90%) (National) 57% (22%)
See you in September!