Welcome Parents and Cheerleaders! Please sign-in and find a seat. You may pull up the PowerPoint on the 7 th grade cheer webpage if you would like. You may find it advantageous to also have a pen to take notes. Grab a piece of paper in the back if you need one.
Eligibility: 7 th Grade Inclusion Squad: Open to any 6 th grade girl who signs up and receives and invitation to the uniform fitting. The requirements to be at the fitting are: Must attend the parent meeting Must attend the 2 mandatory practices before school. Thursday, April 2 nd and April 9 th STARTING AT 8:15 AM Cannot have been academically ineligible for two or more grading periods Cannot have been absent more than 10% of the school year Must return required forms AND first semester report card by deadline assigned. (Thursday April 2 nd )
Uniforms: Uniform includes: Shell, skirt, spanks, sleeves, shoes, poms, and bow. Uniforms will be worn on all game days. Uniforms will also be worn on all pep rally days. Uniform may not be worn outside of designated school activities. Uniform may not be worn by anyone other than the cheerleader. Shoes are apart of the uniform… They are used for cheerleading only!!!
Uniform Fitting Dates: –You will be fitted for your uniform TBD immediately after school. Fittings will be on a first come, first serve basis. Your Cheerleader will receive an invitation to the fitting at the end of the April 9 th practice. Parent attendance is suggested but not required. ***The uniform payment of $325 will be due to the uniform representative by the day of the fitting***
Camp: 7th Grade Inclusion Squad: Northwest High School Cost: $85 (includes lunch) Dates: August 6, 7, 8 Registration forms will be forthcoming as soon as I receive them from NHS- Due by May 29th See Camp Flyer on 7 th grade webpage
So, how much does it cost? Uniform: $325 plus tax and shipping –Includes: Shell, skirt, bloomers, shoes, sleeves, bow, and camp wear. Camp: $85 at NHS *This does not include any optional items you choose to order such as warm ups or a duffel bag.*
Forms: The following forms must be filled out and signed. They must be returned to me by the first practice Thursday, April 2 nd –Parent/Cheerleader Contract –Cheerleader Contract –Emergency Contact Information Sheet –First semester report card All of this is found in the Cheerleading handbook
Physicals Physicals are due Friday, May 1 st NISD Physical Day at NHS: –April 21 –Cost usually $15. –Check CTMS Athletics webpage for more info If you are in Athletics…… –DO NOT get your physical before April 1 st !!
Questions? Please feel free to me at with any questions you have. You can also access this presentation and the NISD Cheerleading Handbook via the CTMS cheerleading home page. Blessings! Sharia Gomez CTMS 7 th Grade Head Coach