The French Revolution Unfolds Pages 216-221
The Phases of the French Revolution Most historians divide the French Revolutionary era in 4 phases. Moderate National Assembly (1789-1791) The Radical Phase (1792-1794) The Directory Phase (1795-1799) The Age of Napoleon (1799-1815)
The Paris Commune Paris was home to many factions trying to gain power. A radical group called the Paris Commune gained power and replaced the royal government in Paris. Soon radical factions started to overtake moderate factions calling for the end of the monarchy. Vive la Hula Skirt!
The Moderate Phase The political crisis in 1789 coincided with the worst famine in French memory. Starving peasants roamed the countryside or flocked to cities. Adding to unemployment. Question: Why is it dangerous to have masses of people with nothing to do? As the grain prices soared even people with jobs were spending 80% of their income on bread.
The “Great Fear” This was just a taste of things to come! Rumors began to spread about government troops seizing the peasants crops. Burned noble’s houses and destroy tax records. Radical groups and revolutionary newspapers spread stories about corrupt nobles, furthering the Great Fear. This was just a taste of things to come!
Marquis de LaFayette LaFayette ran a faction (a part of a political group). The faction designed the French flag. LaFayette had fought with George Washington in the American Revolution. How did that get there?
The National Assembly Acts Peasant uprisings and the storming of the Bastille spurred the National Assembly to action. On August 4, 1789 in an all night meeting nobles of the assembly voted to end their own privileges. Agreed to give up: Old Manorial dues Exclusive hunting rights Special Legal Status Exemption from Taxes However, most nobles did not give up anything they had already lost.
Declaration of the Rights of Man In late August the National Assembly issued the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.” It modeled the U.S. Declaration of Independence written 13 years earlier.
The Declaration States The Declaration Proclaimed: All MEN were born free with equal rights Enjoyed natural rights to “liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.” All MALE citizens were equal before the law. All MEN had equal rights to hold public office. Religious Freedom and Taxes according to pay It’s Raining Men!!!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned The Declaration of the Rights of Man did not grant equal citizenship to women. In 1791, Olympe de Gouges, a journalist, demanded equal rights in her “Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen.” Later on in the revolution women met resistance. Gouges and many women were imprisoned and executed.
Not only women dislike the Declaration So does King Louis XVI!!! He did not want to accept the reforms of the Assembly. The king along with his nobles wanted to keep the party going!!! In autumn of 1789, anger turns to action! You got to fight for your right to party!
Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake.” Queen of France Historians are at odds. Some say she didn’t say it. Some say she meant a fancy cake called brioche. Some say cake meant pig slop. I guess we’ll never know. Queen of France She lived a very extravagant lifestyle. She retreated to her personal home in Versailles and kept busy there during the Revolution. “Let them eat cake.” Did she really say it?
If you want to get something done, send a woman. The March to Versailles Peasant women led a march to Versailles and demanded that the King come out of his palace and deal with the Revolution in Paris.
The March to Versailles cont’d The women escorted King Louis XVI to Paris with a parade of cannons. For the next 3 years King Louis would be trapped in Paris. “Demonstrations and Protests: French Revolution.“ Britannica Online.
Follow the King…and the angry, starving women! The National Assembly followed the women to Paris. They decided to put Church land under state control. The bishops and some conservative peasants got mad, this caused more anger in the people of France.
The Constitution of 1791 The Constitution was made by the National Assembly. It set up a limited monarchy and a Legislative Assembly to make laws and collect taxes. Lawmakers were to be elected by citizens, and the Church had no business in government. It reflected many of the Enlightenment ideas.
Get back here you wascally king! King Louis XVI and his family try to escape France. They are caught and returned to Paris. People called the family traitors as they marched home. This showed how little King Louis cared about the people of France. FAIL!!!
Scaredy Cats! Other countries got worried that the French Revolution will spread to their people too. Some monarchies threatened France with war if they tried to overthrow King Louis XVI, so radicals in France prepared for war.
Personification of the French Republic by J. Corseaux The Radicals began to demand a republic. A republic is a government run by the people elected to it. Personification of the French Republic by J. Corseaux
The Jacobins are created The Jacobins were a group of radical middle class lawyers and intellectuals. They took over the Legislative Assembly and declared war on Austria, Prussia, and Britain. This war would last until 1815. "Clôture de la salle des Jacobins”
The Stage is Set for a Grand Entry!
Funny Pictures…with a lesson to be learned
Chuck Norris Coroners refer to dead people as "ABC's". Already Been Chucked.