Mokymo inovacijų taikymo infrastruktūros kūrimas siekiant plėtoti netradicinio ugdymo formų įvairovę. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-05-K Dalykas, ugdymo sritis: Tema: Klasė: Priemonės paskirtis: Ugdomi gebėjimai pagal Bendrąsias programas : Autorius: Mokykla: Pradinis ugdymas, anglų kalba Apie save (išvaizda, drabužiai) 4 klasė Mokymasis atpažinti ir apibūdinti drabužius, paklausti ir atsakyti, kuo vilkime, apibūdinti save Suprasti asmeninio pobūdžio klausimus (pvz., apie save, kuo vilkime) 2.2. Tikslingai vartoti kalbos priemones, reikalingas numatytoms komunikacinėms intencijoms reikšti 2.2. Dalyvauti trumpame pokalbyje, siekiant komunikacinio tikslo Violeta Kubiliūtė-Piaseckienė, vyr. mokytoja, Jurgita Volbikienė, mokytoja Jurbarko r. Eržvilko gimnazija Apearance. Clothes
To introduce clothes vocabulary To review colours through questions: what colour is it? It’s red. Her dress is red. To introduce the present continuous for description: He’s wearing. She’s wearing. They’re wearing. Describe yourself To introduce clothes vocabulary To review colours through questions: what colour is it? It’s red. Her dress is red. To introduce the present continuous for description: He’s wearing. She’s wearing. They’re wearing. Describe yourself
What are you wearing today? What colours do you remember?
Types of clothing sweater skirt blouse shirt Sijonas Vyriški marškiniai Megztinis Palaidinė
Jeans ShoesDress Belt Slippers Džinsai Suknelė Diržas Šlepetės Bateliai
Match the correct answer. At home I usually wear slippers.
Click the right answer It’s a skirt. It’s a dress. It’s a scarf.
Match Jeans Sweater Shoes
Find the correct word and match Cap Socks Belt Skirt
Patterns Striped Polka dot Checked Print Flowered
Match and say Polka dot Striped Flowered Checked Print
Yes No Choose the correct answer Is she wearing the print dress ?
It fits. It doesn’t fit. It’s too (big, small, loose, long. Short, tight)
Match and say It’s too long It’s too long. It’s too big It’s too big. It’s too tight It’s too tight.
What is she wearing? She is wearing a black blouse and a red striped skirt. He is wearing a blue shirt and black trousers. She is wearing a white blouse and a black polka dot skirt.
Introduce clothes Use I’m wearing….He’s/she’s wering….They’re wearing….. Describe myself
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