KQRS, 93X and The Ticket 105 are partnering with local businesses to put talented individuals in employment positions in the Twin Cities. Your business has an opportunity to reach these people that listen to their favorite radio stations, KQRS, 93X and The Ticket. Beginning in March, our stations will promote a job fair utilizing commercials on-air and digital assets. Your business will be featured as a potential employment option partner in this campaign. On April 3rd, 2015 your business will be in front of potential new hires. At the job fair held at the Bloomington Ramada Hotel ballroom, as a sponsor you will receive on-site display and booth space. This gives your company an opportunity to interview, educate and hire qualified candidates. Job Fair 2015 Ramada Mall of America-Airport Hotel 2300 East American Boulevard, Bloomington, MN April 3rd, am-5pm
KQRS, 93X and 105 the Ticket reach over 42,000 listeners each week that are seeking new employment opportunities. * KQRS, 93X and 105 the Ticket reached over 470,000 persons through our websites in October.* 4.2% of Minnesotans are looking for new employment.* Over 420,000 KQRS listeners have earned a college degree or higher.* Over 329,000 93X listeners have earned a college degree or higher.* Over 39,000 Ticket listeners have earned a college degree or higher.* *U.S. Department of Labor November 2014 *Scarbourgh Research Aug 13-Jul 14 *Google Analytics
“CHAIRMAN” Title Sponsorship A total of 120 name mentions (4x per day on each of our three stations) March 25 th – April 3 rd in our :30 pre-recorded job fair promotional mentions naming you as our title partner Prominent logo inclusion on all on-site signage April 3 rd Prominent logo on job fair web page March 25 th – April 3 rd Prominent logo on job fair flipbook panel on the three station’s web site March 25 th – April 3 rd 10 X 20 booth space located in a high traffic area with skirted 8’ table, two chairs and a business identification sign $10,000 spot bank to run on KQRS, 93X and Sports Radio 105 The Ticket $2,000 in digital advertising on our website Investment: $20,000 “CHAIRMAN” 1 AVAILABLE
“C.E.O.” Sponsorship 10 mentions in the promotional spots that will air March 25 th -April 3 rd Logo and Link on job fair web page March 25 th -April 3 rd An 8-foot table with skirt, two chairs and a business identification sign at event on April 3 $7,000 spot bank to run on KQRS, 93X and/or the Ticket $1,000 in digital advertising on our websites Investment: $10,000 “C.E.O” 10 AVAILABLE
“EXECUTIVE” “MANAGEMENT” Sponsorship 5 mentions per station (15 total) in the promotional spots that will air March 25 th -April 3 rd Logo and Link on job fair web page March 25 th -April 3 rd An 8-foot table with skirt, two chairs and a business identification sign at event Investment: $1,500
“MANAGEMENT” “EXECUTIVE” Sponsorship Logo and Link on job fair web page March 25 th -April 3 rd An 8-foot table with skirt, two chairs and a business identification sign at event Investment: $500