Layers and perimeters
First Layer Height=.35 & Solid Layers Bottom=3 Layer Height Solid Layers Top=3 If Solid Layer Top=3 the top Three layers will be printed solid Based on the Infill:Top/Bottom Fill Pattern. In the image on the right The top/bottom pattern is Hilbertcurve. The Infill Layer is an inner fill (non – solid) Honeycomb layer. Perimeters Infill Layer
Perimeter = 2 Perimeter = 6 Infill:Fill Pattern=Honeycomb
Top layer fill patterns
Fill Density = 0.4 Fill Density = 0.1
Infill:Fill Pattern=Honeycomb Infill:Fill Pattern=Rectlinear
Solid every 20 th layer Layers Solid Layers Bottom=7
Fill Angle=45 Fill Angle=0
Top/bottom fill patterns concentric
Top/bottom fill patterns Hilbertcurve
Top/bottom fill patterns Rectlinear
Top/bottom fill patterns Archimediancords
Top/bottom fill patterns Octagramspiral
Skirt and Brim
Loops = 3 Distance 6mm Skirt Height = 5 Brim = 2.5mm
Support Material
Object Skirt Raft
Layer 1 – default fill Layer 2 –applied parameters Layer 2 applies the Pattern, rectlinear, at the pattern spacing and angle. This pattern will be repeated for the layer specified in by Raft Layers 2.5mm
10mm Pattern spacing=4mm Five Interface layers { { 10 Raft Layers Pattern spacing change from 4 to 2.5
Object first solid layer